EmpowerChain incentivized testnet is starting!

Gjermund Garaba
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2023

It’s happening! We’ve been working towards this for a long time, and we are excited to announce that the EmpowerChain incentivized testnet is about to start!

On the 31st of May, we spun up the testnet and initiated the bootstrapping and integration phase. We have integrated our tooling, enabled IBC, and gotten everything ready for YOU 🫵🫰 💚♻️

In June, starting June 7th, we’re testing the new blockchain for the circular economy: EmpowerChain. The testnet will conclude on the 25th of June and finally launch the mainnet on the 28th of June (if all goes as planned :)).

Let’s test together!

There will be tasks and rewards for anyone willing to participate. There will be tasks to:

  • Build tools and (d)apps
  • Test web apps
  • Test our CLI
  • Find bugs
  • Find security issues
  • Write content
  • Share the good news:)
  • And more!

Testnet phases

The testnet is split into three phases:

  1. 31st May — 6th June: Network bootstrap phase
  2. 7th June — 20th June: Main phase: this is for everyone (testers, builders, validators, etc.)
  3. 21st June — 25th June: Stress test phase: this is also for everyone but will be focused on spamming the network

You can read more about the testnet phases and how it is set up on our Overview Circulus Testnet doc page.

We also have to make sure you read the rules properly; we’d hate for you to do a lot of work and not be eligible for rewards :( So please read Testnet rules as well.


0.5%, or 1,000,000 $MPWR, has been set aside from the initial supply. Each category has a set amount of tokens allocated (but the exact amounts might get updated later if needed). All the numbers are in the task section (linked below).

Important: All prizes will be rewarded as $MPWR tokens to be vested for one year (unless stated otherwise, such as critical security issues).

Disclaimer: The tasks and rewards might be adjusted during the testnet but will be announced in Discord if that happens.

How to participate

To participate, you need to do three things:

  1. Join our Discord
  2. Sign up on our Google Form
  3. Grab the Circulus-1 Tester role in the # 🤝︱tester-role channel in Discord

Ensure you create a new wallet (instructions in the task descriptions — see below) and use the same address for all tasks during the testnet. We will ask everyone to provide the address at the end of the testnet to match it against the Discord username you provided in the signup form.

For most of the tasks, you will need some tokens to pay for gas and other things.

You can get tokens in our Discord's # 🔧︱faucet channel.


All tasks are detailed (including rewards and how to submit them) at https://docs.empowerchain.io/testnet/tasks-and-rewards.

To learn what EmpowerChain is all about, we encourage you to go and read the docs we’ve made. They go all the way from high-level concepts to developer docs — and most of what you would need in between. Start reading What is EmpowerChain to get started.

Extra callout to builders

If you’re a builder (designers included!), we want you to build something cool and get rewarded well!

We’re happy to assist and advise if anyone wants to provide apps and toolings to help EmpowerChain succeed.

Good luck, and have fun!

Ultimately, we want you to join our already thriving and amazing community. We want you to get rewarded and have fun at the same time.

Welcome to the start of something big.

