Build Home Anywhere

Published in
12 min readMar 7, 2024


Dear Reader,

Home is one of those ideas that is redefined and refined during our life’s journey, evolving from our initial concepts conceived in youth and transforming into something we can live by as adults and in our elderhood. Yet, no matter how much life changes, the idea of home will always carry a familiar scent. One that we wish to find and grow because home is a place of belonging and love.

Community of Shared Values

Home has become the ultimate search for most or even all people. We all want a place to belong to, whether the place is tangibly and spacially located like a house or a city. Perhaps we define home colloquially and call it a feeling, an awareness, or a way of life. Whatever your case may be fashions the way you speak and think about home and ultimately how your personal definition directs life.

There comes a certain peace and contentedness in knowing where we stay and claim as our own. Home is a profound symbol of self-ownership, a value driving, pushing who we are at our core. Perhaps this is why many people don’t need a physical home to claim they are experiencing the sensation of home. Home, after all, is what we make of it, yes?

Improve Home

Home is made for many of us in our adolescence given by family, environment, and in a sense, naturally by the whim of the universe. As we get older we then…




Somehow, we're all still here. That must mean there's a story worth living for. My story is to transform a little bit of life into the extraordinary. #EMPOWERUS