Speak With Heart

Published in
7 min readMay 20, 2024

This is real, the subject of speaking from your heart. Our voices leave our lips, but our words come from within us.

Hello Friend!

Today, let’s delve into the art of speaking from the heart, exploring what happens when we do and when we don’t, and what that ultimately means. By the journey’s end, this article aims to inspire a fresh approach to the world, inviting it to meet you in ways you might never have imagined.

In essence, we will create a new perspective that is seen through the eyes of the heart. Your own new perspective will be custom and special to you only. That’s because we all come from different places to this shared point, so naturally, we are all looking at life through our own experiences. At any given moment, we can connect with others on an emotional level. By individually seeking common ground and using our hearts, we can share meaningful experiences. The saying, “great minds think alike,” should include “and “great hearts connect right.”

What is the Heart

The heart, often considered the emotional core of our being, is remarkably intelligent in its own right. Beyond its essential function of pumping blood, the heart communicates with the brain through intricate biochemical signals, influencing our emotions, decision-making, and overall sense of well-being. This complex dialogue, often referred to as “heart-brain coherence,” reveals how deeply intertwined our emotional and physiological states are. The heart’s wisdom shines in its ability to adapt to our experiences, guiding us toward empathy, resilience, and genuine connection. This profound intelligence reminds us that our hearts are not just vital organs but also central to our emotional and psychological health, shaping how we navigate the world.

“Speak With Heart” by Rising Designs

Expressions like “that warms my heart” and “I love you from the bottom of my heart” remind us of this organ’s significance. The next time something resonates with you strongly, and you feel the sensation course through your heart, take a moment to be thankful for it. It is at that moment that you can hear your own heart. Now that’s powerful.

How the Heart Communicates

Fun fact: the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. That means our heart is really the one in charge here. This communication influences brain function, affecting emotional processing, cognitive functions, and perception.

Perception is the process of interpreting information from our environment. When we experience positive emotions, our heart rhythms become more coherent, sending signals to the brain that enhance emotional stability and cognitive function. This coherent or “chill” state allows us to perceive situations more clearly and respond more appropriately. For example, when we feel calm and centered, we are better able to see the bigger picture, think more creatively, and make more rational decisions.

Creating that calm balance to navigate life can be done in many ways. Eat healthy, exercise, spend time with a loved one, learn something new for fun—you know the saying, “Different folks, different strokes.” The point is that we can all find and enhance our heart-brain coherence. We just have to tune into what empowers us. The reward of creating this connection is a perception that one is content and capable of rambling through life with a fuller heart and something to smile about.

“Speak With Heart 2” by Rising Designs

Dissolve Underserving Mindsets

For example, to this day, people oppose each other using outdated thinking like racism, classism, and nimbism. We all know that all humans are equal; spirituality teaches this, unbastardized religion preaches this, and education cultivates this. Yet sometimes, the conditioning from toxic colonialization lingers in the back of our minds, echoing what our ancestors have defined as our history. The mountains of thought we challenge can be championed! We have examples of people all around us; we all can absolutely build up beyond whatever doesn’t serve the best for everybody.

I can recall several instances in my life when my mind interrupted my thinking with a shocking remark about the person before me. It felt as though someone else had planted that strange thought. But one day, I learned that, like water, ideas will float by. It is up to me to be still and let not the water wash me away.

Determined to take charge and eliminate those awful thoughts, I decided to reinforce my heart’s acknowledgment that all people are equal and deserving of love, peace, and prosperity. By straightening out my head through the strength of my heart, I cultivated a deeper sense of equality and compassion. And how did I do that?

Strengthening the Heart

Intentional Growth

Forever, we must strengthen our hearts. After all, life is going to keep happening one way or another, so we might as well join in! Our hearts can be filled with power and meaning, energized by compassion and intention. We all must strengthen our hearts; otherwise, when life comes at us fast, will we be ready? As our ambitions grow, we go, whether rain or shine!

To strengthen our hearts, we need to connect deeply with ourselves. When we embrace positive transformations and genuinely connect with others, we cultivate heartfulness. We can enhance this by engaging with uplifting content and surrounding ourselves with positive words. When we are in an environment well formatted for individual and collective growth, strengthening our hearts becomes an amazing united journey.

Building Coherence

By championing our situations and expressing gratitude for each step forward, we transform our perception, empowering ourselves to say, “We can do this.” Our minds and hearts are shaped by our language. With a spirit of positivity, our hearts can communicate more profoundly. Our mindset, driven by our emotions, powers our heart-brain coherence, which in turn shapes our perspectives. By elevating our inner dialogue, we improve not only what we say but how we say it, fostering strong communication with both ourselves and others.

Our hearts strengthen from many kinds of experiences. One of them is practicing goal setting. There is newfound strength every step of the way and a nice reward at the end. Goal chasing is something we get better at! We start with small goals, adding them up, and one day, we will be practiced enough to achieve our ultimate dreams.

Mission, Vision, and Values

Robust Values

To receive and grow what we desire, we must cultivate a level of loving persistence that guides us through the challenges associated with our goals. For too long, we have been misaligned due to outdated concepts, such as the belief that money rules the world. In reality, people’s feelings hold true power. When prioritizing feelings over monetary values, we elevate our perception of life. Our ultimate goal is collective prosperity, where feelings are the true currency, and money serves merely as a tool.

Speaking with Heart

To keep this idea short and sweet, easy to apply, and memorable, try this advice:

Before speaking, check in with your heart, then let the words come.

Before doing, check in with your heart, then let the actions come.

While listening, check in with your heart, and let the words come.

These three practices alone will enhance heart-brain coherence and become habits without too much effort. Why? People are built to always make their situation (aka lives) better. Once we tap into the power of our hearts, the tether to living by our hearts is secured and then reinforced each time we check-in. Until one day, we balance our heart’s perception of the world. As we better connect with ourselves, we then better connect with the world. Give it a try: 21 days of being attuned to this advice. These advices act as agreements for me, giving me a way to check in with myself and the world. And I know I am not the only one living by deeply rooted agreements.

Surprise Additional Segment!: Next-Level Blinkering

Blinkering; a concept explored by Professor Lawson. When I discovered an interview sharing Professor Lawson’s thoughts, I felt a profound resonance that told me to write the story Dear Professor Tony Lawson, Can We Work on Social Ontology?, an editorial about his interview at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Massachusetts on the subjects of Social Ontology and Economics.

Blinkering is a concept that acknowledges we are all connected. What we do as individuals is both a result of learning and an ignition for how we act. Check out the story here for more on this profound concept.

Why not Speak with Heart?

In conclusion, speaking from the heart is not merely an ideal but a practice that can transform our interactions and relationships. Tuning into our emotional core and allowing our hearts to guide our words and actions fosters genuine connections and cultivates a more compassionate world.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember that our hearts are powerful instruments of empathy, resilience, and understanding, and we are the orchestrators of this symphony we call life. When we speak, do, and listen with our hearts, we not only enrich our own lives but also create a ripple effect of positivity, authenticity, and kindness.

We do this by empowering our inner dialogue, which is fueled by our emotions. Our emotions are shaped by our experiences, which in turn influence our thoughts and actions. This creates a cycle of listening to ourselves and acting accordingly. To elevate this cycle, we should use kind, uplifting language towards ourselves, maintain neighborly thoughts towards others, and continue believing that we are better together, regardless of life’s challenges. Stay calm, friends. Focus on caring and let uninspiring language fade away. The best language is the language of love.


Norman Baker
Empower Us Publication
LinkedIn: Norman Baker




Somehow, we're all still here. That must mean there's a story worth living for. My story is to transform a little bit of life into the extraordinary. #EMPOWERUS