Introducing our Protocol Teams

Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2021

The core of any protocol are the people who support it. With Empty Set, we have a strong group of teams that are actively working on all fronts to achieve its vision of a governable, decentralized stablecoin.

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen proposals from a number of teams that will be working closely with Empty Set to help propel it forward. These teams are diverse in nature and all have different strengths. Lets meet them:

DeFi Pulse

DeFi Pulse is the leading website for the latest analytics and rankings of DeFi protocols. DeFi Pulse’s rankings track the total value locked into the smart contracts of popular DeFi applications and protocols. Providing key insights and educational content to help more newcomers go from zero to DeFi.

“We’re delighted to be a strategic partner to the Empty Set community. In the coming months, we will be working closely with the project to have a truly decentralized community-owned stablecoin for DeFi”

Squad #2

Squad #2 is a small group of community members who’ve been facilitating communications, governance, and UI development over the past months. They’ve helped support the protocol in key areas during the course of V1 and look to continue with V2 of the protocol.

“We are excited to help launch version 2 of the Empty Set protocol. Coming from the early Empty Set community, we felt strongly about the protocol’s aim to create a decentralized and community owned stablecoin as a key lego block for DeFi. We feel like V2 is a clear continuation of that mission.” — lewi


Equilibria is a new collective focused broadly on building out DeFi holistically, by co-building and cross-integrating a stack of DeFi protocols. They offer a strong mix of experience and development expertise to help the protocol grow.

“Empty Set is currently the only stablecoin that threads the needle between the censorship resistance of algo stables and usefulness of fiat stables. We’re excited to co-build Empty Set while incorporating it as the stablecoin building block for our DeFi stack.” — Kevin

Note: Equilibria’s grant proposal vote yet to be finalized. Follow it here

Empty Set Squad

The Empty Set Squad are the original founders of the Empty Set protocol. They developed, launched and guided the project over the last year. Their work on the next version of the protocol has been key to reaching Empty Set’s vision.

“We’re ecstatic to continue to work alongside the ecosystem that’s formed around empty set over the last year. Our experiment has grown up and is now ready to truly solve this fundamental problem in DeFi.” — eq

Looking forward

We are excited to have a diverse set of teams with a diverse set of skills working towards the vision of Empty Set. We look forward to seeing how they contribute and shape the protocol alongside the community moving forward!

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stablecoins, defi, & long walks on the beach