Helping My Heroes with EmRes®

Cedric Bertelli
The Healing Art of EmRes®
4 min readAug 11, 2023

Written by Ashly Torian -

Do you ever wonder if you are truly making a difference? I am here to share with you that you are making a difference. Being in the work of Emotional Resolution and Coaching, faith and trust in one’s abilities and gifts are called into practice.

Because of that…. It is the BEST feeling when you receive feedback.

I am so blessed! An opportunity came to me that was so honoring. Honoring in the sense that I got to be the relay station between Emotional Resolution and the heroes of this country.

A couple of years ago, I had the honor of meeting Debbie Lee, the founder of America’s Mighty Warriors and the Helping Heroes Heal program and mother to Marc Lee, SEAL Team 3 (ST3), the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq 8–2–06.

My soul was moved to aid in this endeavor to help our heroes heal. My son served in the Marine Corp, so this opportunity hit close to home. If there is someone out there that has a gift that could help my son, then I would hope they would step forward to offer their help.

I spoke to Debbie and shared with her my access to this powerful tool, Emotional Resolution®. This year we moved forward, and I now provide the spouses of these heroes EmRes Sessions to help them along this journey as their Hero heals. This support for the spouse has been unbelievably powerful and impactful on the whole family.

We must understand, the heroes of this country are not only those who dedicated their life to our country’s freedom but their spouse and family as well. They are a unit.

They belong together and the healing process is meant to bring them back together.

In my personal experience, that is exactly what this method of healing [Emotional Resolution®, aka EmRes®] has done for the families I am working with currently.

Most of these families have young children. We all know that children FEEL the stress, tension, and pain of the parents. So, when the parents are able to heal, the children are given the opportunity to heal as well.

My experience was truly powerful.

In the case that I am presenting today, I worked with a woman as her husband was going through the Helping Heroes Heal Program that involves hyper-baric chamber treatments.

The emotional complaints she was experiencing were trust issues, social anxiety, fatigue, judged, overwhelmed by her life, frustration, anger, abandonment, and worry.

All these emotions were impacting her marriage and family negatively all the while her husband was going through his own healing program.

For peace to come back into the household they both needed to heal. If the husband healed and the wife chooses not to…. Then the family will splinter into pieces.

This wife chose to heal. She chose to heal right alongside her husband. This couple was courageous. They knew what it would take, and they were all IN.

When these heroes come home, there is tension. During their service they experienced something that most of us can’t even imagine. The pain of injury, the pain of losing a brother, and the pain of personal loss. The experience as a human being…seems overwhelming to me. And yet. They do it. They are amazing human beings that sacrificed way more than most and have earned the right to heal.

I am so blessed to have met many in the Helping Heroes Heal Program at their retreat this year at Allaso Ranch in East Texas. That is where I found out how truly powerful this work is, not only for my client but her whole family. Her whole family felt the benefit of her courage to work on her own emotional pain.

Allaso 2023

No more living on edge day in and day out…No more fearing the trigger. No more judging herself. She is free. She is safe. She is secure. Most importantly. She now has the tool to aid in her endeavors to create the close, connected and loving family she desired all her life.

Now the family knows HOW to resolve the triggers that were used to drive a wedge between them.

In essence, this marriage was saved. This sweet Hero family is now well, whole, and complete. There is peace in their home.

That right there makes my heart weep with joy.

These families are so deserving of this peace. They sacrificed so that we wouldn’t have to.

I am so honored to continue my work with America’s Mighty Warriors and their Helping Heroes Heal Program.

I encourage you…continue the work. You are doing amazing things in the lives of those who are in emotional pain.

Ashly Torian

Certified Emotional Resolution Practitioner, Vitality Coach
Host of Ashly’s Heart Song on the WinWinWomen.TV Network

