
Image credit: MJ S

*** 4–7–21 Note: Our current editor is moving on, and submissions are currently closed until a new editor takes over. Thanks, and we hope you’ll check back with us soon! ***

[These guidelines are for Emrys Journal Online — to submit to the print journal, see]

We’re looking for poetry, flash (fiction or nonfiction), humor, lists, comics, and genre-defying miscellany. Prose should be less than 1000 words, and poems should be less than a page. Please send your submission as an unpublished Medium draft. Email a link to your draft to emryswebsubmissions AT gmail DOT com.

If you have artwork (that you own the rights to) that you’d like to include with your submission, great! Go ahead and include it. If not, we’ll select something for you.

We strongly encourage joining Medium’s partner program, but this is not required for publication in Emrys Journal Online.

