Emylyn Tanglao
Emylyn Tanglao
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2019

Sounds… fishy…

When you watched Finding Nemo in 2003, when Nemo acted dead and they flushed him down when he was actually alive, weren’t you hyped up to know he’s going to find his father? Did I spoil? My mistake, but I could relate too, yet not this instance. In the article, The World Is Losing Fish to Eat as Oceans Warm, Study Finds, written by Kendra Pierre — Louis published on 28 February 2019 speaks about the growing issue about oceans warming due to climate change and the harming effects on our fish. She talks about the growing issue of fishes’ immigration to different areas in the sea to fit to their liking which leaves countries overfishing which harms them to reproduce and affects the eco system. There is a growing issue that is affecting marine animals with the increase of the sea temperature and fish are just one of many marine species being affected. There various ways to support your thesis using rhetorical analysis. Within the article, Pierre-Louis came to conclusion that climate change is already making an impact on seafood.

Fishy You There?

Ironically, I don’t prefer to eat seafood on a regular basis or like… ever, but we care for the fishies’ on this blog! The World is Losing Fish to Eat as Oceans Warm, Study Finds, article from speaks about the growing issue about climate change, more specifically about how it is already making a HUGE and SERIOUS impact on our seafood and ocean life. Ms. Pierre-Louis uses various rhetorical devices to persuade her readers that climate change is making a big impact on our seafood. How she demonstrates this effectively is by using credible resources from studies to support her thesis. She also begins to use history and statistical facts of where the fishes were known to be before they migrated to a different region for their preferred sea temperature. These examples affects readers since she tells us how and why these fishes migrate in the first place.

Pierre-Louis continues to use logos to show the logical appeal that humans are the main source of climate change by using emotional appeal to support her claim. New York Times article, The World is Losing Fish to Eat as Oceans Warm, Study Finds, she stated,

Warm areas fared even worse when they were overfished. The researchers suggested that overfishing made fish even more vulnerable to temperature changes by hurting their ability to reproduce and damaging the ecosystem. (1)

In other words, due to over fishing in warm ocean water regions, it continued to worsen fishes environment to reproduce and affect the ecosystem. She uses emotional appeal to her audience to try make readers realize that we are only doing more damage, not making it better for the environment. It becomes more realistic for the readers in a way because not many would understand that over fishing is another contribution to climate change until you tell them what they are doing. You would tell your child that stealing is bad so they knew to not do it at all, it’s the same concept. The statements and/or words she chose such as, “damaging the ecosystem” and “hurting their ability to reproduce,” describes how badly the warm sea temperatures leaves a resonating effect on readers since most would reflect and question how badly this is occurring.

Albeit that most writers that try to be persuasive upon a topic, they have the credentials and experience to fully understand the topic and educate more to others; Kendra Pierre — Louis is a reporter for the with experience @popsci and MIT graduate program in science and writing. Prior to joining New York Times in 2017, she did covers for science and environment. In other words, she may not be a scientist herself within climate and environments, but she has done previous reports about them which makes her credible source. Furthering, making her material persuasive since she knows so much about the topic and has experience

The effects of rhetorical device is always significant when it comes to being persuasive and that’s exactly what Kendra Perrie-Louis did, THAT! She proceeds to use many rhetorical devices throughout her article in order to persuade readers or to educate others about how climate change is affecting our marine life and fishes are just one of many being affected.

Work Cited

Pierre-louis, Kendra. “The World Is Losing Fish to Eat as Oceans Warm, Study Finds.” The New

York Times,The New York Times, 28 Feb. 2019,



Emylyn Tanglao
Emylyn Tanglao

Hello, I am Emylyn as you can see written in bold lettering above me. I am a first year at San Francisco State University as a bio major (zoology).