I Started A YouTube Channel — and You Should Too!

Tatiana Donaldson
En Color
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2021

“*Jay-Z voice* Allow me to reintroduce myself.”

Photo Courtesy of Tatiana Donaldson

Entertaining the thought of starting a Youtube channel can be daunting for some, but I’m here to assure you that it’s possible and can be accomplished with little effort. It’s simple: create an account, brainstorm a channel theme, and begin recording!

I know you are most likely thinking, “Okay Tatiana, easier said than done.” But I’m here to tell you it’s that easy and doable! Allow me to be your personal cheerleader and accountability partner, to make a plan and get it done!

For some time, I had contemplated beginning my channel. My mind would race into thinking about why I was not worthy of sharing myself with the world.

I would entertain thoughts like, “I don’t like the sound of my voice; how could I sit in front of a camera and speak to an audience that isn’t physically with me.” And then there was, “Who would want to listen to and watch me? I don’t have anything valuable to say.” There I was, tearing myself to shreds and throwing my aspirations and dreams out the window.

Often we become bombarded by the idea that we are not enough. It may be the family member, friend, or co-worker that consistently made fun of you and put you down. Or the fear that creeps up on us in moments of uncertainty and possibility.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to feed into the idea of feeling and believing I am not worthy or enough. We all have something unique to offer to this world, and it’s worth sharing.

As I journey this phenomenon we call life, I affirm to protect my inner child, God-given light, and essence. So allow me to reintroduce myself: My name is Tatiana Donaldson, and I am an Ambitious Black Girl.

We all have a story to tell, so why not begin documenting it today.

Tatiana Donaldson is a writer, educator, and host of Ambitious Black Girl: The Podcast. Visit Ambitious Black Girl for podcast episodes, stories, and more!



Tatiana Donaldson
En Color

Tatiana is an educator, writer, and Editor of 𝙀𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧 — a publication illuminating Black voices, Black art, and Black culture.