Fencing Videos

Cat Supawit
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Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2016
SemiFinal — Grumier FRA v Pizzo ITA by Heather // Flickr Creative Commons

Fencing is a very fun sport to learn and watch. Those unfamiliar to the sport will often find it action packed and exciting. I personally love to watch fencing bouts — especially when the fencers are very skilled. Below are some videos that I find especially interesting and show how each weapon is fought quite well.

This video is of Alexander Massialas (US) fencing Lei Sheng (China) at an exhibition bout before the 2012 London Olympics.

The video below is of Aron Szilagyi Szilagyi winning Gold at the London 2012 Olympics for Individual Sabré:

This video is of the Men’s Individual Epeé Gold medal bout at the Beijing 2008 Olympics:

