Corporate Social Responsibility Vs. Social Engagement

Raúl Baz S.
En Los Espejos De Un Café
3 min readJul 7, 2018


Before starting with the formal content of this article, it is necessary to understand the definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Corporate Social Engagement from an institutional perspective that will help us to understand their difference, what should change and prosper over time.

“It’s the continued commitment of businesses to conduct themselves ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of their employees and families, as well as the local community and society in general” (Source: Lord Holme and Richard Watts, World Business Council for Sustainable Development)

Actions carried out with the objective of creating awareness in the community about a problem or negative situation, obtaining support in its solution.

CRS had its peak with the arrival of the 21st century and nobody, absolutely nobody, can deny that these practices have managed to “humanize” companies, but -now- it’s no longer enough.


Corporate Social Responsibility is unilateral. Only members of the organization participate, being the society beneficiary of the “goodwill” of those who decided to help by carrying out actions in favor of the community or environment.

In Latin America, there is the pathetic belief that government has an obligation to solve all problems. Of course, we have lived within paternalistic systems where we were accustomed to sitting with our arms crossed waiting for “daddy government” to solve everything.

The same fenomenon also started to happen with companies and their Social Responsibile practices; Today, companies are expected to contribute and/or “give back” to society while, once again, the community stands with their arms crossed, hoping that the corporation will solve problems that government and the authorities have failed to do so: environmental care, eradication of poverty, healthcare services, security, education, etc.

Of course, as in everything, there are exceptions, but sadly they are only exceptions.

So, how can we eradicate the apathy and selfishness of society to solve problems that had to be solved last century?

Social networks have contributed a lot to social commitment, but only superficially.

Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, have given voice to society: WE CAN SPREAD OUR COMPLAINTS! But complaining about something or just spreading a problem is not enough; What’s more, they create the perception that something is being done, when -in fact- nothing is being done.

Complaining helps, spreading problems is good to raise awareness but, once again, it does not solve anything, since anyone can complain from the comfort of their home with an Internet connection or with a smartphone.

Today, companies -as well as the government- have to start to involve society more in the solution of problems, and the society must start by doing things without seeking recognition or awards, except to want to make the world a better place.

Therefore, it is feasible, necessary and urgent to create strategies whose success depends on the involvement of society: The company (or Government) informs, proposes, facilitates and contributes, and the community contributes, gets involved and learns.



Raúl Baz S.
En Los Espejos De Un Café

Lawyer in my past life, Communicator + Marketer + Digital Journalist + Psychologist in this one, and a fictional character in the next.