Terrorism: the language of cowards.

Raúl Baz S.
En Los Espejos De Un Café
2 min readDec 21, 2017


I still remember the 80’s and 90's when news about terrorist attacks wasn't common.

Today, due to fanaticism and cowardice, we frequently read that extremist groups carry out barbaric acts in which innocent people are being killed or have their lives put in danger.

Many people may argue that while we see them as terrorists, others consider them heroes, but whatever the angle in which we see these “characters”, they are murderers of people who have nothing to do with their agendas.

Times when men like Gandhi achieved their goals without the use of bombs and/or weapons are gone.

Today, those who seek to promote their ideals use violent tactics and methods.

I will not discuss the objectives sought by radical groups, but the means they use are pathetic and cowardly, having to attempt against innocent people to attract attention or promote their agendas and beliefs.

How sad that those times, in which the most transcendent actions were peaceful, are part of the past.

  • I will never support the use of terror to communicate an idea …
  • I will never agree with putting the lives of innocent people at risk to achieve headlines in the media …
  • I will always support peaceful communication efforts that seek the common good.

Every time I see/read the news of terrorist attacks in the media, I confirm that their authors will never be “fighters” or “heroes” …

…they will always be cowards.



Raúl Baz S.
En Los Espejos De Un Café

Lawyer in my past life, Communicator + Marketer + Digital Journalist + Psychologist in this one, and a fictional character in the next.