Dou you have to change your context or adapt yourself to it?

Anne Freitas
3 min readDec 24, 2017

It is not a novelty anymore that the word that defines the current moment is changing, transforming. As the information becomes more accessible through a variety of medias online e offline, we are struggled by the diversity of ideas, concepts, points of view and theories. It´s a common understanding that this transformation is a good thing after all, but, like any change it brings some problems that we have to face. There is a gradual mentality transformation in society, we develop a sense of urge, a necessity for immediate results for each action we take not just in work but in relationships also.

We are so busy every day with the task of taking each chance, seizing the moment, and because of that, we discuss constantly about life, happiness, self transformation, but why, most of the time, when we don´t get what we want, a feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction take over of us?

Well, I´ve been reflecting about it and started to think of it and I made a relation with what we call in the field of user experience design “context”. We, as designers, are constantly worried about thinking in what context an interface, service or object will be used. But, lets think further, is not that way that also happens in life?

Transforming yourself, to reinvent yourself, change, does not imply that you are also trying to modify your own context? When I´m talking about context, I mean the environment that you are, imagine that you are a product or a service that needs to be improved, is it enough just to adapt yourself to the context that you are or it is needed to look for new contexts?

Before thinking in change context, we have to think what we want to change. An adaption implies in modify just one or another aspect that won´t change your deep self, your personality, yourself, what truly matters to you. Like a product, when we talk about branding, you can´t change its identity, but you can adapt it to different expectations of another public, in another words, different contexts.

But, what happens when the fine line between the adaptable and transformable is crossed? We catch ourselves thinking: is this new me better? This break thought, some call epiphany, is that something you face like something productive or just a change that your are trying to correspond some else expectations?

In the Adilson´s Xavier book, I extracted a fragment that fits perfectly at the reflection I´m trying to lead you to do:

“Is not hard to imagine, for example, technologies, entertainment and information, all together at the same package, can favor the capt of attention, the capability of retention, even though the profundity analysis. When you decrease dispersion, you increase your focus, this process in not big news. But in this exercise, just two aspects stay outside: the high expectation and the low affectivity. ‘The more you have, the more you want’, we know, what happens when we don´t achieve it: frustration and unsatisfaction.”

Therefore, I ask you again: what is your context?

What can you do: adapt or change yourself or change your context to be more happy? What separates you to your personal happiness? Is something simple like adapt yourself, or you really need a big change? You can start at little bits, but you have to think about it first, is the first step to something that might change your entire life and career.

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