How I used Design Thinking to create an Inbound Marketing Strategy

Anne Freitas
4 min readFeb 4, 2018
My canvas of strategy content publication

Hi, who has been following my posts, know how I started Prisma Design Thinking: I was unemployed and because of that, I begun to offer my services, but I realized there was a lack of knowledge from people about some matters, like the relation between fields, strategies and the role of a designer, and this impacted and I got a job and freelancers, so, I thought how could I transform this knowledge into something positive, productive, and I thought that a good way was start to writte about it.

At the biginning, I wrote just one history in May 2017, and was surpresed with the impact on the public. At the momente, I didn´t have much time to write, so I started to write just one text for month to follow how much people were receptive about my texts. At first, I started without any content strategy, I wrote just about my strategy of my own product/service: the Design Consultancy, especially Design Thinking, because it is the differential.

I published between May until September, 2017. The focus of the texts was ideas that I already had in mind from some time ago, scrawled´s of my notebook. But, for my surprise, the first text was a hugh succes, but the others didn´t have a great number of visualizations and readers. When I realized that, I decided do invest more time at the blog´s idea, still without thinking about content strategy, but I analized the history of the texts searching for the reason why one text was very successful and the others don´t.

Consequently, I had promoted in the same social medias, I registerd the days of the week and the time, and it didn´t explain the difference in the audience of the texts. After that I analized the subject, style, of it and came to the conclution the first text, was weight more touching because it was very personal, focused on mu own personal and professional trajectory, and I explained why I decided to start to write.

I created a text with great emocional value, constructed from my life perspective and it can be perceived in Prisma proposal, because of
that I think, people got engaged and were tocuch with a strong sense of empathy. The others texts were more focused in discussions about
doubts and reflection´s design, focused in the public of designers, especifically some areas.

I was very excited and motivated about the blog, I realized it is a pleasure to me construct the texts and portuguese and english. Depiste this kind of text get more exposure, I have other personas in mind besides people in general and designers, and because of this I wanted to write some text more focused in design education. From there I started to think in content strategy.

But, where to start?

Reaserching and studing how use marketing for that, I came across to the term/concept of marketing it is very used in marketing content strategy
nowadays: “Inbound Marketing”. Being aware of what it was, I understood I´m already was doing it: the first characterist of inbound marketing
is it is very segmented, custom, I always keep in mind the personas that I´m writtinf for and direct the text for it: designers, managers of innovation, marketing and entrepreneurs.

The second aspect is the SEO work: I use the Medium plataform that allows to catalogue the text with subject tags, and I always use hashtags too.
The last aspect is the strong use of social media: the ways I promoted my contente, for now, is exclusively throught social medias: LinkedIn, facebook groups, a facebook page, the medium blog, and I intend to use at the future youtube and Instagram.

When I started this work to think and to begin a strategy, I realized how much time it takes, and started to think how Design Thinking can be useful to make this job more easy? So I created a post strategy content canvas, which I share here with you, is just download it for free.

I also discoveres the my two “champions of audience” are two texts the reinforce my digital brading and Prisma strategy, if you would like
to read it, here are the links: “Desmistifying Design Thinking and rethinking the Design Process” and “Storytelling is more than tell good story is make bounds throught it”.

If you want to known more about the canvas above, please feel free to contact us using the addres

If you liked the article, follow my posts in Prisma Facebook Page and here at Medium too.

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