6th Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2015, Africa is on the move

Evelyn Namara
ENamara Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2015
With a team of participants at the GES in Nairobi, Kenya

More than 3,000 entrepreneurs gathered in Nairobi as part of the 6th Global Entrepreneurship Summit and am glad to have been part of them. This was the first time the summit was held in sub-Saharan Africa and it was such an honour to have been among many talented, young entrepreneurs who believe that the world has no boundaries and we can do whatever we set our minds to.

Africa is on the move, yes indeed. President Barack Obama emphasized this in his speech and further gave his commitment to continue to support entrepreneurship on the continent. “Entrepreneurship creates new jobs and new businesses, new ways to deliver basic services, new ways of seeing the world — it’s the spark of prosperity” — President Barack Obama.

With a team member of the Coca Cola Foundation

It is exciting indeed what entrepreneurship can do. Where governments and public policies fail, entrepreneurs are finding new ways of tackling some of the world’s greatest challenges using innovative approaches to addressing issues. From energy, to distribution of basic needs to the bottom of the pyramid, handling health and sanitation issues, to transportation, education etc.

What I always love about such global events is the opportunity to network, to speak to people and gain powerful partners in the process. The conference brought together a lot of investors from all corners, a lot of entrepreneurs ready to share their ideas, and a lot of companies and organizations seeking out partnerships.

Am encouraged and pumped to take on this journey of entrepreneurship and looking forward to a lot of learning, successes, lessons and growth!

It is an exciting time to be in Africa and to contribute to what we as a continent are going to achieve in years to come.



Evelyn Namara
ENamara Blog

Tech Entrepreneur | Policy Outreach Fellow @internetsociety | @i_amthecode Ambassador | @anitaborg_org Change Agent ABIE Award Winner | Internet Policy | #ICT4D