Ionic 5 Complete guide on Barcode and QR Code scanning

Abhijeet Rathore
Published in
7 min readJul 13, 2020
Ionic 5 Complete guide on Barcode and QR Code scanning

In this blog post you will learn how to implement Barcode & QR code scanning and QR code creation in each of the following Ionic 5 variations

  • Ionic 5 with Angular and Cordova ✅
  • Ionic 5 with Angular and Capacitor (Pending)
  • Ionic 5 with React and Capacitor (Pending)

This blogpost is part of a new blog series — Ionic 5 Complete Guides, to cover One Single Feature in All Ionic Variations in one blog. Since Ionic has now expanded to cover frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, Cordova and Capacitor, it is high time to have a single place to learn about a feature — in all its different forms.

Different forms of Ionic — Intro

What is Ionic

You probably already know about Ionic, but I’m putting it here just for the sake of beginners.

To be concise — If you create Native apps in Android, you code in Java/Kotlin. If you create Native apps in iOS, you code in Obj-C/Swift. Both of these are powerful but complex languages. With Ionic you can write a single piece of code for your app that can run on both iOS and Android (and browser!), that too with the simplicity of HTML, CSS, and JS.

Forms of Ionic

Ionic has made itself language agnostic to some extent, integrating some of the most popular JS frameworks. At present, Ionic apps can be written with

  • AngularJS as front-end
  • ReactJS as front-end
  • VanillaJS as front-end
  • VueJS as front-end
  • Cordova as build environment
  • Capacitor as build environment

As you can see, Ionic can be adopted by a large community of developers, and hence there are always confusion about which plugin to use in which framework. That’s the whole purpose of this series of Complete Guide posts.

Which Framework is best in Ionic?

That is a highly debatable topic. All front-end frameworks have their pros and cons. Effectively you can make a fully working app in any of these frameworks, just the ease and way of coding is different in each one. At Enappd, we have tried our hands with Angular and React in Ionic, and we can’t say for sure which one is faster/better. While Angular feels better in handling data for bigger apps, React feels a bit faster. 🤷‍♂

Cordova vs Capacitor

  • Cordova is a veteran, being around for 10+ years. Capacitor is a new entry from Ionic team itself, and has a fresh approach to the native build process
  • While Cordova’s community is older, bigger (wiser?), Capacitor is quickly gaining traction
  • Cordova has more plugins than Capacitor, and hence many a times, you end up using Cordova plugins in Capacitor environment as well
  • Cordova has ease of native builds right from the CLI, while Capacitor requires you to use native IDEs (XCode, Android Studio) to build apps
  • Cordova builds the native environment each time, while Capacitor keeps it as a source asset. So only changes are copied at build time. You can also include extra native code in the platforms built by Capacitor

Barcode/QR code Scanning — What and why?

A barcode is an image consisting of a series of parallel black and white lines that, when scanned, relay information about a product. We scan barcodes in supermarkets, on products in general, and oh, Amazon delivery! It’s a very handy way to recognize products instead of entering 16 digit long ID numbers etc. Similarly, reading ID numbers from Passports, etc could be very handy if you are an international hotel owner and require guests to carry passports as IDs.

Ionic 5 barcode scanning
Barcode/QR code scanning is used for identification of products, tickets etc

Here are some potential use cases for these plugins in an Ionic 4 app

  • Super market app — QR/barcode scanners can provide product info to users
  • Delivery app — Barcode scan can track/sign off a package
  • Event app — Scan tickets or events passes
  • Quick access to offers — Scan QR codes and go to a webpage
  • Web authentication of a mobile app — Similar to Whatsapp Web

…… and many more

Enough of theory, let’s dive into the implementation of Barcode and QR code in Ionic apps.

Post Structure

The post structure will remain mostly common for all frameworks

  • Create a simple Ionic 5 app with required framework. Create Basic UI to test the feature
  • Install and import Barcode/QR scanner plugins
  • Methods for Barcode/QR scanning and QR code Creation
  • Build on device and test (Android / iOS)

Part 1 — Barcode/QR Scanning in Ionic 5, Angular, Cordova

Build Environment

Node — 12.14.1 (any 12.x version should work)
Ionic — Ionic 5 (CLI 5.3.0)
Angular — Angular 9
Cordova — Cordova 9

STEP 1 — Create blank Ionic Angular app with basic UI

First you need to make sure you have the latest Ionic CLI. This will ensure you are using everything latest. Ensure latest Ionic CLI installation using

$ npm install -g ionic@latest

Creating a basic Ionic-Angular app (all options). Start a basic blank starter using

$ ionic start IonicScanner blank --cordova
  • --cordova tells the CLI to create a Cordova integration, not Capacitor!!
  • By default, Angular is chosen as the framework, no flags required
  • blank template gives a blank home page

Run the app in browser using (yes you guessed it right)

$ ionic serve

Let’s modify the page with some basic UI required to test our scanning features. The homepage will look like this

STEP 2 — Install and import scanner plugin

We will use the Cordova plugin phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner for both barcode and QR code scanning functionality. This is also integrated in Ionic Native module. You can use cordova-plugin-qrscanner for QR scanning separately as well, but phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner does both tasks in one.

Install the plugin with

$ ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner
$ npm install @ionic-native/barcode-scanner

Import the plugin in app.module.ts

import { BarcodeScanner } from '@ionic-native/barcode-scanner/ngx';@NgModule({
providers: [

Import the plugin in your

import { BarcodeScanner } from '@ionic-native/barcode-scanner/ngx';constructor(private barcodeScanner: BarcodeScanner) { }

Now, the plugin is ready to be used in HomePage

STEP 3 — Implement scanning methods

Barcode / QR code scanning supports several options as well

preferFrontCamera : false, // iOS and Android
showFlipCameraButton : true, // iOS and Android
showTorchButton : true, // iOS and Android
torchOn: false, // Android, launch with the torch switched on (if available)
saveHistory: true, // Android, save scan history (default false)
prompt : “Place a code inside the scan area”, // Android
resultDisplayDuration: 500, // Android, display scanned text for X ms. 0 suppresses it entirely, default 1500
formats : “EAN_13,EAN_8,QR_CODE,PDF_417”, // default: all but PDF_417 and RSS_EXPANDED
orientation : “portrait”, // Android only (portrait|landscape), default unset so it rotates with the device

Note — EAN_13, EAN_8 are common formats for Barcode, while QR_CODE format is required for QR codes

Now we implement scanning and creation methods. Note, while we can scan both Barcode and QR code, we can only generate QR code with this plugin. The will contain the following code

STEP 4 — Build and test on device


Build your app on android device using

$ ionic cordova platform add android
$ ionic cordova run android
  • Click Scan a Code button, place any code in the scan area, and you’ll hear a beep on successful scanning. The scan result will show on the homepage
  • Type any text in the input area and click Create a QR Code to generate a QR code

Here’s the demo run of the app on Android

Barcode and QR code scanning in Ionic 5 with Angular and Cordova

Yayy ! You just implemented a Barcode & QR code scanner in your app 🎉🎉


For iOS implementation, just add the following in config.xml inside the iOS <platform tag

<edit-config target="NSCameraUsageDescription" file="*-Info.plist" mode="merge">
<string>To scan barcodes</string>

This will ensure the necessary permissions are listed in info.plist .

Complete code for Part 1 can be found in Ionic Barcode QR Scanner repository (angular-cordova branch)

More to come

I will soon publish the next two parts of this blog i.e. Barcode and QR code scanning in

  • Ionic 5 with Angular and Capacitor
  • Ionic 5 with React and Capacitor

Next Steps

Now that you have learned how to implement Barcode and QR code scanning in your Ionic 5 app, you can also try the following blogs. These are written for Ionic 4 but will work nicely for Ionic 5 as well.

If you need a base to start your next Ionic 5 app, you can make your next awesome app using Ionic 5 Full App

Ionic 5 Full App starter from Enappd
Ionic 5 Full App starter from Enappd



Abhijeet Rathore
Editor for

Rocket scientist turned programmer. Co-founder at Enappd and Youstart Education. Trying to make the world a better place, one solution at a time.