Maegan Mendoza
ENC 3310 Spring 2016
5 min readApr 17, 2016


The Connection Between the Brain and Your Diet: Consume more Brain Healthy Foods and Your Future Brain will Thank You!

Many believe that Alzheimer's disease is a disease that is hereditary, a disease that one may simply acquire. Many may also think “This disease will never get me, I will never be the one that is diagnosed with this terribly sad disease”. Well many are wrong and miss construed. What makes you exempt from Alzheimer’s disease? What makes you the special case?. Alzheimer's disease does not discriminate and neither should you. One way to keep Alzheimer’s disease away is by protecting your brain from the memory destroying monsters by watching what you consume. Nutrition plays a very important role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Will Your Future Brain Thank You?

Along with the 6 pillars that I spoke about in my previous essay, which includes having a social life, stress management practices, mental stimulation, having a healthy diet, and participating in regular exercise, there are three tips that should be considered. These three major tips dive deeper in understanding how to combat Alzheimer’s disease, these include Being aware of your intake of saturated fats and trans fats, consumption of plant based foods and vitamin B12 supplements. Alzheimer’s Disease kills more than Prostate and Breast Cancer combined, this is why it is very important for everyone no matter the age or gender to be educated on this disease.

What can I do you may ask? Below is a list of what could be watched or avoided when either cooking in your own home or eating at a restaurant. Following this will not only strengthen your brain and body but your future brain will definitely be thanking you.

Be aware of Saturated and Trans fats

Natural fats that come from food is superb for the brain. The brain relies on natural fats in order to support cell growth and maintain healthy cell membranes. The consumption of natural fats allows the cells to communicate as effectively as possible, which increases their strength and lifespan and decreases the occurrence of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Saturated and trans fats cause cellular destruction, which can cause memory loss and can also increase inflammation in the brain. Inflammation in the brain decreases the production of omega-3 fatty acids, which supports brain and cell function. In addition, high consumption of saturated and trans fats also decreases serotonin levels in the brain, serotonin is a neurotransmitter or a chemical that is responsible for balancing our moods. Serotonin levels are directly proportional to depression and stress, which can cause damage to brain cells and will increase memory loss. Lastly foods that contain natural fats include egg yolks, coconuts, olive oils and coconut oils. It is imperative that children, adults and the elderly check food labels for these fats. A study that was conducted on memory loss and fat consumption found that the intake of increased fried and processed foods contributes to the shrinkage of the brain which results in a decline in cognition.

Consume more plant based foods

The human brain is composed of 60 percent fat, which plays a very important role in cell and neurological function. It is important that plant-based fats are consumed rather than trans and saturated fats because they optimize cell function. Its smarter to lean towards the unprocessed, unrefined, non animal sources or fats. They not only contain more nutrients, but they are also much easier for the body to digest and absorb.

Trans and saturated fats increase inflammation while plant-based foods reduce-inflammation. Plant-based foods prevent the hardening of arteries and relieves pain and soreness throughout the body. They also boost serotonin levels, this helps prevent depression, anxiety and also allows increased REM sleep or deep sleep. In addition, nuts, seeds, olives and avocados also play an important role in preventing Alzheimer's disease due to their plant-based fat ingredient. These fats help with memory and learning by fueling neurotransmitters or chemicals in the brain that are responsible for communication, such as acetylcholine.

Vitamin B-12 Consumption

Vitamin B-12 has special effects on brain cell functions. Vitamin B-12 is responsible for the development of nerve and brain cells. It is also responsible for the myelin sheets that cover nerve cells, which is responsible for the communication between cells. This vitamin nourishes the myelin sheets and allows optimal communication in the brain. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can have many harmful effects, including brain inflammation, which is responsible for cell death. Those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease are found to have a deficiency in vitamin B12, which also causes brain atrophy or brain shrinkage due to dead brain cells. In addition, this vitamin can be found in fish, some diary products and shellfish. It is recommended that people over the age of 65 take vitamin B-12 supplements because they have a harder time absorbing this vitamin. Those that are under the age of 65 do not usually have difficultly with the absorption but may consume the supplement.

To wrap this up…..

The consumption of fruits and veggies are very good for brain and cell health, but there are other things that should to be taken into account. The consumption of vitamins and brain healthy fats, such as plant-based fats, helps with preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Each vitamin and fat has a specific function in promoting cell growth and cell communication. With that being said, Alzheimer’s disease is currently the number 6th leading cause of death in the United States with someone developing Alzheimer’s disease every 66 seconds. It is important for all children, adults and elders to be aware of what should be done to combat this disease. No race or age is excluded, I hope that this essay serves as a means to educate everyone about Alzheimer’s disease. All should be aware and educated about this disease because it is developing in people of all ages by the second. Now I must ask this self examining question, Will Your Future Brain Thank You??

