Why has America Lost Faith in Politics

Kevin Welsh
ENC 3310 Spring 2016
3 min readMar 27, 2016

Lies.Lies. And more Lies

In November we will be going to the voting polls to select our next President. As I watch the current polls, and see what people are saying about the election and the candidates running for both party’s I have one question. Why have the American people lost faith in politicians? Your run of the mill, or establishment politicians are loosing the fight against no holds bar, tell the people what they want to hear people like the Donald. Why has it come to this?

In my personal opinion politicians have lost touch with the average Joe here in America. (Meaning the middle class) They have shifted their focus from the people to how they can earn a buck. They are more focused on doing what is good for their campaign donors than those who actually get out and vote. Now don’t get me wrong, being a politician cannot be an easy job. There is always going to be someone who doesn’t agree with you. However, they have forgotten to give the thanks to where it is due. Most politicians come from a background of money. They truly do not understand what it is to raise a family of 5 on a combined $35,000 a year income.

What happened to the days of when people worked together to accomplish a common goal? It didn’t matter if someone was a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent. The major objective was what could we do for the American people. However, I know at least in my lifetime, its been about what party you affiliate yourself with. It is like they have lost the ability to make a decision on their own. If a fellow member of their party mentions something out in left field, then they agree with it because they are more worried about how the party, media, and fellow politicians will view them then coming out and saying “that is ridiculous”. However, there have been times when politicians have worked together. The best example I can think of it the Social Security Reform Act of 1983.

According to Ron Fournier and Sophie Quinton of “The Atlantic,” people have not only lost faith in politicians but in America’s greatest institutions. From Washington, State Governments, local governments, banks, businesses, the media and even churches: people are fed up. What will it take for the American people to put faith in the leaders of our great nation once again?

We need to find away to restore the faith of the American people again before it is to late. As a voting American, I am tore about this upcoming election. I look at all the candidates and try to figure out which one can restore the faith of the people. Unfortunately, choosing someone who “almost fits” is why people are pissed off in the first place. To me almost is not acceptable. I would be ashamed if there is no one in America today that has the leadership to get us back on track.

Unless we do something this trend will continue for who knows how long. We need to hold our leaders accountable for their actions. We can’t allow any person to be above another. An Appeals Court Justice and your local trash man should have the same quality of who we elect to the offices of the United States. Also, until these politicians actually do what it is they say without costing the working people more money then it maybe hard for us to trust any politician.

So as we move closer to the election the importance of who has the ability to restore the faith in America becomes more relevant each day. I ask myself, is this not an obtainable task? Is there no one who can fix the mess we have put ourselves in over the last 50 years or so? Where did we go wrong?

