Encode x Polygon Hackathon: Announcing Unstoppable Domains

Klara Orban
Encode Club
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2022


We are delighted to announce that Unstoppable Domains is joining us as a Polygon Hackathon partner!

Hackers will be able to answer Unstoppable Domains’ challenge and compete to win a prize, as well as compete in our general hackathon challenges.

About the Polygon Hack

The 4-week Polygon Hackathon is part of our Polygon-dedicated programme alongside an accelerator, as well as eight special Polygon-dedicated workshops as part of our Solidity Bootcamps. It’s a great opportunity to learn, build and get onboarded into the Polygon ecosystem, as well as win great prizes!

Read more about the hack in our Polygon Hack Notion, where you’ll find challenges, registration and submission guides, as well as our handy Hacker Pack!

Register here until 30th May 2022.

About Unstoppable Domains

Unstoppable Domains is Building decentralized digital identities for the world

Use NFT domains as your:

  • Universal username across apps and websites
  • Website URL
  • Payment address for wallets
  • and much more!

Login with Unstoppable is the first layer in digital identity, allowing users to log in to Web3 apps using their unique NFT domain as a username. Users can verify their identity and share information (including KYC) that sits encrypted on a server by signing in with a private key, all while maintaining 100% ownership and control of their digital identity.

Login with Unstoppable is the first Single Sign On linked to NFT domains, enabling proof of humanity and frictionless onboarding. Integration is lightweight and can be accomplished in just a few minutes. Users can access free domains, and purchase premium domains with a revenue share for our partners.

🏆 Unstoppable Domains Challenge 🏆

Integrate the “Login with Unstoppable” feature as a login option on your dApp OR submit a PR to merge this feature as a login option on an existing DeFi/NFT dApp.

Useful resources:


Unstoppable Domains will be awarding their Prizes as follows:

Total prizes of $8,000 (all payable in USDC)

Main prizes — Best use of Login with Unstoppable

  • 1st — $2,000 USDC + $10,000 free domain credits
  • 2nd — $1,500 + $7,500 free domain credits
  • 3rd — $1,000 + $5,000 free domain credits

$3,500 Prize Pool

  • Split between all non-winning, but qualifying teams that submit for a prize
  • Qualifying teams will also receive $3,000 in free domain credits

Judging Criteria

  • Design
  • Novelty/Originality
  • Technical Accomplishment
  • Potential Impact
  • Creativity/Fun

How the Polygon Hack works:

Over the course of four weeks, teams of 1–6 can:

  • Build basic dApps to get started with your web3 development journey for the Beginner’s Track challenge
  • Build an NFT minter dApp with a fully functional front-end to mint NFTs (both ERC 721 and ERC 1155) on Polygon for the Web3 Full Stack Challenge
  • Or make a new innovation and show creativity in the Open Track Challenge

Hackathon Schedule:

The hackathon will run over four weeks and include several exciting events, all kicking off at 5:30pm GMT+1.

Check out our hackathon schedule below and take note of the most important dates:

Monday, 23rd May — Launch Event
Tuesday, 24th May — Introduction and Web3 and Polygon
Wednesday, 25th May — Unstoppable Domains Workshop
Thursday, 26th May — Minting Multimedia NFTs on Polygon
Thursday, 2nd June — Building your own DAO on Polygon
Monday, 6th June — Getting Multi-chain Web3 data with One Unified API
Sunday 19th, June — Submission Deadline
Tuesday, 12th July Finale and Prizegiving

Hackathon Registration

Register for the hackathon until Monday, 30th May via the form below:

About Encode

Encode Club is a web3 education community learning and building together through fantastic programmes with the leading protocols in the space. Together we organise programmes like education series, bootcamps, hackathons, accelerators both online and in person. We then help our community get jobs and funding for projects and startups.


If you have any questions, please email: general@encode.club

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