Everyone can make a difference

My name is Michael Perticone and I am a student at the University at Buffalo. The topic I chose to write about is ending poverty across the world. In this publication I will be researching and finding the most realistic and impactful methods we all can use in order to limit poverty. I believe that the most important thing we can all do is to all contribute. There is about 155 million people in America alone who have jobs. If even just 1/3 of those people were to contribute $1 we could raise over 50 million dollars. If more people understood that something as little as that could change the world. I am personally interested in this goal because I often try to give to those in need any time I can. Whenever I see homeless people I always try to either give them some cash or even buy them something. Even something small such as a bottle of water could make their day. I often do this not because I have so much, because I can’t imagine how it feels to have nothing. This topic interests me because I feel better by doing good things for other people and I just want other people to see it from a person in needs point of view. I believe anyone can benefit from reading my articles because I include realistic methods that everyone can participate in. I do not know too much about this topic but I know that it is a big issue and I am willing to do the research to find out what we can do as a community when we come together with a plan in order to combat world poverty. Some questions I would like to ask are; What has been done in the past? What has been done now? And most importantly, What can you do?

Mike Perticone
End World Poverty
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2021


