How can we end poverty?

Mike Perticone
End World Poverty
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2021

Ending poverty may seem like an unachievable goal, however there are multiple things that we can all do in order to make this possible. As discussed multiple times in my previous posts, poverty is a huge issue for many people across the world. According to Psychologist and Harvard professor Steven Pinker “Global extreme poverty has declined to 9.6 percent of the world population; 200 years ago, it was at 90 percent.” While we are already on the path to end poverty, there are still millions who live in poverty and this is what we can do in order to change that.

One thing mentioned in this article is that we can offer more temporary cash for work jobs for the individuals who are in poverty. For example in the article there is a photo of an event hosted that offered people in the Central African Republic cash for roadwork. I believe that this is a great idea for eliminating poverty and allowing those who are in poverty to get a jump start. Also I believe that it is a great idea because these people will be happy to work and do a good job on the task they are trying to complete because they will be grateful for the opportunity. It works out greatly for both sides. Also what helped greatly is the governmental aid provided by many countries. For example in my last post we spoke about how China has defeated the problem of poverty by issuing finances to many of those in poverty. While the Coronavirus pandemic impacted many negatively, Countries such as China and the United States issued millions of dollars to people which helped everyone greatly.

Overall I believe that ending poverty may seem like a huge task, but if we put our minds to it, I believe that we can tackle this problem and defeat it for good.

Concern Worldwide US. (2020). Retrieved March 22, 2021, from Concern Worldwide website:,it%20was%20at%2090%20percent.%E2%80%9D&text=The%20UN%20gave%20itself%20a,all%20people%20everywhere%E2%80%9D%20by%202030.

