Pandemic Relief

Mike Perticone
End World Poverty
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2021

In America, there is a pandemic relief bill awaiting its final passage totaling over 1.9 trillion dollars. The bill is planning on offering payments to families with children and is expected to be monumental for poverty in America. While not a large amount of people live in extreme poverty in the United States compared to other countries, this bill is expected to cut the number of those who are in poverty, in half which is huge. According to VOA News, “In all, 13.1 million children and adults would be lifted out of poverty, including 5.7 million under the age of 18, according to one analysis. It would be an historic byproduct of President Joe Biden’s massive economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Democrats’ pent-up demands for addressing income inequality in the U.S. through direct government action.” If passed, this bill will be monumental in helping the United States recover from the coronavirus pandemic that swept through the nation, killing thousands, closing business and not allowing Americans to work. This pandemic may have been devastating, but I believe that America can bounce back better than ever. This bill will be very life changing to some people and their families. “An analysis by the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University found that the bill would cut the overall poverty rate in the United States from 12.3% to 8.2%. The impact on children under 18 would be even more dramatic, dropping their poverty rate from 13.5% to 5.7%.” Looking at these statistics, this bill would drastically change America and get us started going in the right direction. While there is many other countries who are suffering much greater from poverty across the world, America is taking a step in the right direction and hopefully paving the way for these other countries in order for them to take initiative, implement a similar policy and change the world for the greater good.


Garber, R. (2021, March 10). COVID relief bill could cut US poverty in half, for now. Retrieved March 11, 2021, from

