3 things we do to help endangered animals

Edwin Bustillo
Endangered animals
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2018

Endangered animals are everywhere around the world some can still be saved. We can all help in one way or another. Animals should not pay the price for the mistakes humans do, us people can be there biggest blessing or there biggest curse. One thing we can do is grow native plants. It provides food for the native animals that they can eat, With that we can bring insects that can help the plants be healthy. Also another thing we can do is help are family understand that some animals need our help we can tell friends and family to spread the awareness of some endangered animals. We could also reduce are footprint we could drive less and try different things like walking, running and biking and try not to pollute. These are 3 easy things we can do on the daily to help the world we live in and the animals we have in it.

