About the Amur leopard 2

Edwin Bustillo
Endangered animals
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2018

The Amur leopard is the most endangered animal in the world. There are less then 70 Amur leopards left in the world and the cause of them going endangered are humans we took there lands build towns, cities and used it for farming and many people kill them for there fur because it costs a lot sold there skin from 500 to 1000 dollars. So they have to inbreed them but that is really hard to do because the animals are very territorial and like to be alone and there not in there natural habitat which makes it so much harder.These animals are crazy they can run really really fast faster the the fastest man alive Usain bolt. They can run up to 37 miles per hour but its unfortunate because I don’t think this animals are going to make it they have been endangered for a long time now.

