Over 70 billion dollars for endangered animals

Edwin Bustillo
Endangered animals
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2018

The cost for endangered animals is crazy. We spend more then 70 billion dollars a year, with all that money they help animals reduce the threat of extinction and to reserve the land of threatened wildlife. Thats a lot of money going throughout the world to help these animals it insane and we do save many animals with that much money. The more we save the better it is for are world. Have a animal go extinct is really risky and a risk we should never take. If we lose a animal it can destroy the whole food web for other living animals and can come to even effect us humans.

Some people may not agree that spending so much money on animals is smart but animals in danger of going extinct is a real problem and most of them are because of the mistakes us humans make and do and also keep doing. We have only made this world worse then it was before we came here and animals are dying because of humans.

