Why we should stop killing animals (1)

Edwin Bustillo
Endangered animals
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2018

We should not be allowed to kill animals for no reason. killing animals can cause chaos in the animal kingdom. To much of the death of something can cause extinction for a animal, its not just only the fact that there gone but also the death of a whole race can effect a food chain the predators will not have nothing to eat because there typical food would be gone so one of two things can happen, 1 they die also as a race or 2 they eat another type of animal which will cause a larger chaos they either get eaten to extinction or hardly survive.

The reason animals are extinct or endangered is caused by many products but the main reason is us human. We either destroy the habitat or kill them faster then they can breed. Killing animals till there endangered or extinct is really dumb. I would rather have all animals alive and well so future generations can see them rather then look at pictures and hear about them and how they were. Some people kill animals for clothing and to sell some of there body parts to make money and can face a long time in prison for such a horrible crime.

One may think theres so much animals out there we can kill a couple. That may be some what true to some animals but for others killing at least one can really be bad for the whole race. I cant stop people from hunting animals down and killing them but I can share what I know and believe in, people who can stop this are out there arresting people and protecting animals from the danger of some human beings and them destroying there habitat. Wether I changed your mind or not on this topic we all as humans can become better people . As being at the top of the food chain we should look out other animals and enjoy viewing them and are future generations can see what we once saw also.

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