Endangered Species Future Think: Are Florida Black Bears A Protected Species in 2016?

Endangered Species Future Think
4 min readOct 13, 2016

Endangered animal status is a nexus point which often escapes the attention of intelligent people until the situation is degraded beyond repair. It may be due to the poverty of a region, lack of environmental protection laws, pollution, failure of residents to value non-human life or abuse of power by land developers.

Animal extinction occurs when humans fail to meet their obligations and duties. It is our obligation as citizens of Florida to create a protected space for Florida black bears to prosper.

Florida black bears emerge at the crossroads of endangered species and shrinking habitat due to commercial and residential development. Business progress pushes animals into a secondary habitat and often eliminates the normal living environment.

Land conservation trusts are a great way to combat this stress on animals and give them a second chance. The state of Florida has amazing large expanses of forest and everglades for this purpose. 2016 must be a year to build and expand protected habitat and land conservation trusts for our threatened and endangered species. These must be well managed and funded to survive down economies and depressions. Animals from can be easily relocated onto this protected habitat, if this is properly structured.

Land acquisition may not always support threatened animals if acquisitions are made in areas poor habitat. This may cause animals to leave the area and escape on long trips of over 500 miles or more. This is the plight of the Florida black bear. An amazing PBS special shown over the holidays filmed Florida black bears “on the lamb” as they “escaped the law” and their fences to pursue other options.

Our oceans and forests are increasing invaded by chemicals, pollutants, commercial development and other elements which challenge our ecosystem and its wildlife. Ocean pollution is identified as a third world country issues: it is not. Federal budgets are under fire. Social security and medicare trump environmental causes for budgets. State rather than federal funding is key to the best habitat protection. Foundations and non-profits may use their money to enforce existing laws and mount effective legal battles or maneuvers to protect wildlife habitat.

The existing statistically significant variance for Florida black bear count numbers found in recent reports builds a strong case for an endangered status. The death of cubs after the death of mother bears in annual hunts increases the actual Florida black bear loss by one-third or more.

Normal defenses for threatened and endangered animals include news and media outlets, investigative journalism, lawsuits, and groups like The Sierra Club, Human Society, and green groups. When these forces unite to fight to defend a species and fail, the call to duty is obvious. Lawsuits and investigative journalism did not protect our little friends.

Leaders must step forward to create protective measures for our animal and environmental resources. This situation is the Florida black bears in 2015.

Leo DiCaprio is a well-liked environmentalist and animal rights activist. His 2015 golden globe win for a film about bears and their harsh habitat makes him the natural choice.

Big law firms and the NRDC are required to push back in extreme situations. This should not shock the general population. Hunting for sport and food has been common in North America for hundreds of years. WWF is another major group defending threatened animals and their habitat around the globe. It is clear that a single organization will not win the fight to build a permanent safety net for our animals and wildlife. Teamwork is needed to win this effort.

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About the Author

Dr. Rebecca Stone earned a MBA in Finance from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, a Masters Degree from the Texas Health and Science University in Austin, BBA from the University of Texas at Austin, and a foreign Medical Degree in Alternative Medicine. Her medical writing includes over three hundred articles in the field of medicine and alternative medicine. She has written three medical books available online. SpeedyReads publishes book written by Dr. Rebecca Stone including The New Drone Juggernaut ©2015, Quantum Brain Healing ©2011, Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine ©2011, and Horny Goat Weed, the Magic Chinese Herb ©2015. The most recent book will be available in Spanish in the near future at Barnes & Noble.

Her current status at AMAZON for the Kindle book Horny Goat Weed, the Magic Chinese Herb ©2015 reached the top 5% of paid book sales for it’s medical category. Dr. Rebecca Stone also wrote The Undersea Adventures of Aladin and Alibaba.



Endangered Species Future Think

SpeedyReads.com publishes books by Dr. Rebecca Stone: Quantum Brain Healing, Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine, and Horny Goat Weed, the Magic Chinese Herb