The SushiSwap Community Fund

Robbie Heeger
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2021

tl;dr: Seeded with a $1m gift of $SUSHI, the SushiSwap Community Fund is a new charitable donation vehicle organized around $SUSHI holders.

Endaoment’s new Community Funds will pool donations together to make sizable grants to nonprofits across a shared philanthropic mission, allowing everyone to collectively engage in giving back.

We’re grateful to several core contributors from the SushiSwap community for their generosity in seeding this new fund with a gift of 55,100 $SUSHI tokens, worth ~$1 million at the time of donation.

We were approached in March by a group led by 0xMaki, looking to establish a charitable fund. They provided several different focus areas to concentrate their giving around:

  • Global Children’s Hunger Programs
  • Autism Research
  • Cancer Research
  • Carbon Offsets & Environmental Protection
  • Gorilla Sanctuary Development
  • Diversity in Blockchain & Technology Freedoms

In turn, Endaoment helped select 16 different organizations to receive grants in these issue areas. Each organization then received a grant recommendation from the SushiSwap Community Fund ranging from $40,000 to $65,000.

Today, we’re opening up the SushiSwap Community Fund to donations from anyone in the general public.

Contributions to the SushiSwap Community Fund are tax deductible immediately upon transfer of your donation and come with a receipt, if desired.

The fund will continue making grants to these 16 organizations (excluding Endaoment) in a round-robin fashion with as many grants of $5,000 as the balance of the fund will allow. Moreover, we’ll be working with the $SUSHI community on a regular basis to determine any changes to the receiving causes and organizations that speak to their values.

We’re excited to see the impact this fund can make and the organizations who will benefit from their generosity!

This is just the beginnning of Endaoment’s new Community Funds. We’re hard at work to bring a range of giving opportunities around a diverse set of communities and issue areas.

If you’re interested in learning more about Community Funds or want to suggest one to start, please reach out!

