Rari Capital Leverages Endaoment for New Rari Capital Foundation

Robbie Heeger
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2020

tl;dr — Autonomous DeFi Yield aggregator Rari Capital is committing 50% of its accrued fees to the Rari Capital Foundation; a Donor-Advised Fund managed by Endaoment.

Endaoment is DeFi’s new Community Foundation. We aim to serve the broader industry with the best tools for giving crypto to the causes and organizations our communities care about.

As yield-bearing and yield-aggregating apps explode in Decentralized Finance, many in our community have been looking for ways to commit yield to charity—see projects like rTrees, rDAI and many others.

We’re excited to share that Rari Capital has formed the Rari Foundation, a Donor-Advised Fund managed by Endaoment.

The Rari Protocol will donate 50% of all fees generated by the protocol to the Foundation, while Rari users will play a part in determining the distribution of the donations as grants.

Rari’s $60M+ TVL generates fees as it rebalances allocations across its pool aggregators. Until now, these fees had been used to buy and burn RGT tokens, with 5% going to Rari’s development. In an announcement made today, 50% of all fees generated by the platform will automatically be donated to the new Rari Captial Foundation, while the other 50% will go towards their buy and burn program.

Rari and Endaoment are pushing the concept of generating yield for good; this venture shows how projects in the DeFi space can layer a DAF on top of their product to create new kinds of community engagement and participation.

We’re excited to keep evolving this partnership and integration with the Rari community and are eager to see who they’ll collectively support!

