33 Startup Lessons from the Crypt

Ilias Louis Hatzis
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2019

#1: Don’t guess. Measure everything.

#2: Firing people is difficult, but your startup comes first. Do it quickly.

#3: Make decisions by consensus, but also make sure that everyone knows you’re the boss and have the final say.

#4: The only thing that matters is your product. Focus on making it great.

#5: Your future depends on traction. Don’t wait for users to come to you. Go and recruit them one by one.

#6: Development speed is everything. Keep your initial product simple so you can ship and fix problems quickly.

#7: Startups are hard. Inspire your team to achieve the impossible.

#8: Your number one objective is revenue. Don’t get distracted by hype. No money, no Honey.

#9: Listen to experts, but trust your intuition.

#10: Prepare yourself. Don’t underestimate the amount of grunt work required to build something that is lasting.

#11: To launch a tech startup is fundamentally a leap of faith. The odds are against you. Don’t think, Do.

#12: Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Most startups inherit the strengths and weaknesses of their founders.

#13: Stop thinking, Stop learning, Start doing. Keep doing until it works out. If it works out. It might not.

#14: You can never be 100% ready. Just start.

#15: You’re old. You have no capital. You will fail. Ignore the naysayers. Trust your instinct.

#16: Perseverance is faith. You got to believe to keep on going. Keep the faith.

#17: Iterate continuously until you get it right.

#18: Whether you’re raising money, getting a user to sign up or seeking talent, everyone likes a good story.

#19: What separates you and success is the bullshit you tell yourself about why you can’t achieve it.

#20: The easiest thing to do when things aren’t working is to give up. Don’t, make it happen.

#21: Hire slowly and fire quickly.

#22: Customer service is key. Always try to please. It will propel you ahead of the competition.

#23: Funding is important, but the real funders are the marketplace and your customers.

#24: Choosing investors is like marriage. Pick an investor that will be a den mother & cheerleader.

#25: Nobody Is Going to Steal Your Startup Idea. Share it.

#26: Find Mentors. Love your Mentors. Engage your Mentors.

#27: Build a team that complements your skills and personality.

#28: Entrepreneurs love to talk. Learn to listen to your customers, staff, mentors and investors.

#29: Forget business plans. Its a bunch of untested guesses. Get validation from customers.

#30: The details are not just details. They make the product.

#31: Good sales equals good conversation. Find ways to talk with your customers.

#32: When selling your product don’t sell “what” you do, but “why” you do it.

#33: Entrepreneurs that Do vs. those that Don’t? Simple: Persistence and resilience to get there.

