Endgame It With Nnamdi Ngwe

Kari McCullough
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017


If you already know who Nnamdi Ngwe is then you should know he’s coming to teach two workshops here at Endgames on November 11th at 12:00 pm and then at 3:30 pm. You can find more details on our Eventbrite links: “Make and Bake A Move” and “Improv Your Swag.” If you aren’t sure who he is then this blog will hopefully give you an idea!

Nnamdi Ngwe is an improvisor, actor, writer, producer, teacher, model, a hugger, and one of his favorite songs is the “Cupid Shuffle” (which is where he won me over). He studied and teaches at iO Theater, The Second City, and The Bovine Metropolis Theater. He even has his own website: www.thennamdi.com.

Ever since Max McCal informed me were bringing Nnamdi to teach two workshops at Endgames, I have been binge watching and reading everything Nnamdi. He was just recently awarded teacher of the year at iO, so how could I not obsessively research and watch his work online all day?

I’ve seen him perform a bunch of times. He’s really great to watch. I think he’s incredibly supportive and always surprising. — Max McCal

When watching Nnamdi play with his award-winning Chicago improv/sketch group, 3Peat (you can read about them here), I had been enthralled by his calm and confident nature on stage that I hadn’t noticed my coffee had gone from piping hot to ice cold.

Outside of performing on stage with 3Peat and the iO Theater, he’s the writer/producer/star of his show, Julius. Julius, a cringe comedy about a well-meaning nerdy guy struggling to fit into the social norms of life, was nominated for Best Screenplay at the Best Of The Midwest Film Awards. Chicago Tribune also wrote a great piece and interviewed Nnamdi, which I encourage you to check out here. Take a look at one of my favorite scenes below!

“I like to listen to every single word that is said by my fellow performers before responding.” — Nnamdi Ngwe

Finally, I found Nnamdi being interviewed by Jimmy Carrane on Improv Nerd. After the Cupid Shuffle, I didn’t think I could love this guy more. But come to find out, he too is a fan of awkward silences and playing it slow in improv! Below you’ll see a short clip of him talking about playing it slow.

I believe San Francisco is in for a treat and I hope you will be able to make it out to Endgames Improv (2081 Mission St, SF) on November 11th, at 12 pm and 3:30 pm, to meet and learn with Nnamdi Ngwe!

