Wisocracy vs Democracy

Barbara Williams
Ending Overshoot
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2023
Image taken from Wisocracy website

What is Democracy?

Democracy is about achieving a consensus on joint direction. Long ago it was hijacked by media and marketing, both driven by the same unwise lust for further economic growth in the face of collapsing ecosystems. The only consensus that holds right now within the democracies of the world, is the deluded belief that increasing Gross World Product will solve all the problems that it creates.

Science has already delivered the insights of I=PAT, the Jevons paradox, and ecological overshoot; but as yet, we have a global civilisation that is operating an economic model that ignores all three of these insights. We do not need to know any more than these scientific insights in order to appreciate that we are headed in an injurious direction with economic growth. We are not using these insights wisely because we have shut out our shared consciousness. Our shared consciousness is wiser than any one of us can ever be on our own. We all need to Know What We Really Are.

What is a Wisocracy?

A wisocracy understands that the perpetuation of growth economics by humanity is injurious to life on Earth. It seeks to reverse our direction, looking at every aspect of our civilisation and asking what needs to change.

Within the wisocracy we recognise that we are not trapped by our past heritage. We know what we really are, and our minds are freed to connect with every other mind and to see our true purpose in life. We are defined by our shared anxieties, knowing that right now we are injuring ourselves and life on Earth. Sanford Hinden gave birth to the beautiful and ambitious word Wisocracy when he named his website.

The principles of a Wisocracy, need to be kept open to refinement, like everything in this evolution. We need permanent flexibility in our outlook. We have constructed a cage with our current civilisation. Any strategy that seems wise in one moment, may become foolish overnight. Especially with rapid existential changes. For example: pronatalism, ethnic and religious arrogance, growth economics and its unwise market forces, are all unwise in our current context, which demands global collaboration to share ecological resources wisely and sparingly.

All the Wisocracy material provides an excellent start to lead discussions in a wiser direction; but, we do not wish to build a new cage. We need a new way of peaceful global communal thinking, that is unfettered by historic differences, that will enable us to respond wisely to rapidly changing existential circumstances.

Sanford is one of many people, like myself, who have invested their time and energy tirelessly in recent years. Sharing their passionate vision in the hope of inspiring others to collaborate energetically to enable this wonderful global realisation to emerge and gain momentum. We are coming together now. We are all evolving rapidly, and helping to converge the collective consciousness to focus realistically on the implementation of a global aspiration to return within the carrying capacity of Earth. Leading lights in this momentous paradigm shift are listed below:

  • KWYRA — Know What You Really Are, these videos help us to throw off the constraints of our education; this raised collective consciousness, opens the door to unprecedented imaginative collaboration.
  • Wisocracy — interacts with individuals who wish to push the boundaries, exploring the logistics moving forward, sharing ideas and maturing our minds together.
  • The Simpler Way — offers grounded advice from personal experience of working sympathetically and wisely within our natural environment
  • Poems for Parliament — promotes the ‘UN Charter for Ecological Justice’, suggesting a formal global declaration of our ambition to rectify the overconsumption and overpopulation that prevail today.
  • Degrowth organisations-the list of these is growing daily.
  • James Morrow — whose ideas may well serve to stimulate your mind to a higher level.
  • Wellbeing Economy Alliance, may soon declare the realisation that equitable global Degrowth is essential to achieve genuine sustainability; This alliance is orchestrating very powerful cohesive forces with noble objectives. They just need a little more realism, KWYRA can help their leaders to transition.
  • The Royal Society of Arts are not yet promoting Degrowth, but they are working towards that idea. They have the aspiration to be paradigm shifters and they recognise the need for Universal Basic Income.
  • Non-governmental Organisations that focus on issues relating to environment, overpopulation, justice, and equity. There are many hundreds of these, all slowly converging on the realisation that shrinking Gross World Product is essential to achieve sustainability.
  • The United Nations — are trying very hard to provide global leadership in an incredibly challenging and misled world. All we need to add to the mix is realism and humility. A certain amount of reframing will be needed to integrate equitable Degrowth into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

I hope that my readers are inspired by the evidence of the emerging paradigm shift, and will soon find their own personal peace as they work out their own place within this important evolutionary phase in humanity. If you are struggling to see your own way forward, the KWYRA videos may help you.

Another image from Wisocracy, which identifies some key qualities that make for a good eco-leader:



Barbara Williams
Ending Overshoot

I specialise in lobbying the UK government to consider a paradigm shift to show humility and embrace Degrowth objectives. Website https://PoemsForParliament.uk