Sherri Cruz
Endings and Beginnings
1 min readJan 11, 2015


That’s my mom in her rainbow glasses

Before I settle into 12 weeks of coding bootcamp in eight days, I’m going to see my dear, sweet mother. I’ve been thinking of ways to slow time down because I know our time together will go by so quickly that before I know it, I’ll be fully immersed in coding — why do they call it coding, anyway? Why isn’t it called programming? I’m not sure yet, but I think coding is cheat programming. I’m sure I’ll have a better answer to that question soon.

So back to slowing time — how does one slow down time? Try not think about it? One way, I believe, is to not have any plans, to just be there. We’ll probably watch a bit of “American Pickers” and HGTV. We’ll take rides in her golf cart. Eat, sleep, yack. Just do whatever.

One thing I know I’ll need to do is to finish my pre-bootcamp work at

My last story at the OC Register.

