Nov 14, 2018 Team Update: Updates on Endless Millions and Others

Endless Game
Endless Game
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018


We are thrilled to see so many players actually enjoyed our new Lottery game. We will soon release more features and improvements to Endless Millions.

As we have stated in previous announcements, the top priority of the team right now is to stabilize and improve the current system. So that, we could maximize the interests for the majority of our players for the long run. Meanwhile, we are also working to get Endless Crash ready next week and continuously improve Endless Millions.

Additionally, the team is now working with several partners in marketing to grow our user base and expanding new markets (Russia/Korea/China).

Up-coming Changes on Endless Millions

The Draw Frequency

In the next 1–2 days, we will change the duration of each game from 24 hours to 12 hours. So, players will be able to have more Endless Millions fun in a day.

Endless Millions Autobet Tool

As demanded by many of our community, an Autobet Tool will be soon launched to help our players to purchase any number of tickets as they want.

On New Games Development

As game developers, we firmly believe that games will be more fun when the concept of “group” and “competition” are introduced.

Guided by this thinking, we have designed World War Endless and Endless Battle, in which PvP (Player VS Player) and GvG (Group VS Group). With those two games in our development pipeline, the team is currently working to on Endless Crash.

What is Endless Crash?

Endless Crash is a multiplayer betting game. With an increasing curve that can crash anytime, this game fun and thrilling. We have also added some fun and interesting features to the Endless Crash game. We can not wait for you guys to see them. More information will be released very soon.

Team Endless

Game On.

