Nov 15 Team Update: Endless Millions AUTOBET

Endless Game
Endless Game
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018


As promised in our previous team update, the team has added the AUTOBET feature to the Endless Millions.

Endless Millions AUTOBET

AUTOBET for Endless Millions is essentially a tool to help players purchasing tickets with just a few clicks.

To use the AUTOBET feature, you will be asked to key in the number of tickets you want to buy and click on the confirm button. The AUTOBET tool will then process your order (This may take some time depends on the number of tickets you want to purchase). According to our test, it will take about 2 mins to finish purchasing 1000 tickets (this may vary depends on your network condition).

Please make sure you have sufficient CPU to buy all the tickets you want.

Please kindly note that the AUTOBET tool use javascript ran locally to generate all the random numbers. Hence we have absolutely no control over how those numbers are generated.

The javascript snippet used in AUTOBET

In the future, we will add more support to the AUTOBET. We will even support players to upload their picks via CSV.

Change of Endless Millions

After the final draw of №20181116 (GMT 12:00:00 NOON, NOV 16, 2018), the draw countdown of the Endless Millions will be shortened to 12 hours instead of 24 hours.

By doing this, our players can enjoy the fun of Endless Millions twice a day.

Endless Crash

We are still in the process of developing this game and aiming to have the game delivered next week. More details will be soon released.

Screenshot of Endless Crash play

Team Endless

Game On.

