Nov 17 Team Update

Endless Game
Endless Game
Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2018


Happy Weekend!

The blockchain never sleeps, so neither do we. The team is working extra hard to make sure we could have our new games deliver next week.

Process Updates

Korean Localization🇰🇷

With the support of our Korean community, we have refined our Korean translation on our website and will have our website updated soon.

If you want us to add more language support or you want to help us with localization, please reach out to our telegram admins or email

Incoming Speed Improvements

We are currently working to speed up our services via multiple approaches. Hopefully, starting with our new games, we would be able to deliver better performance.

A Friendly Reminder

For those who might not know, we have changed the frequency of our dice leaderboard and Endless Millions into twice a day. So winners will be decided/drawn at GMT 12:00:00 NOON and GMT 0:00:00 every day.

For more information, you could refer to our previous announcement (link).

Team Endless

Game On.

