Boilerplate Tech CEO Statement on Refugee Executive Order

A brief guide to public relations, opportunism and posturing

2 min readJan 30, 2017


Begin your statement with how alarmed you were by the executive order. It is necessary to create distance between technology and the Trump administration whether or not your corporation works with them. This sets a believable tone that both xenophobia and segregation have not existed in the history of America. Quickly follow your alarmism with praise of America’s founding principles and consider inserting a short story of your own ancestral assimilation into White America, contrasting the history of America with it’s present day unjust aberration.

Having portrayed the American ideal, dive into your corporate culture par excellence. If your readers are willing to believe in an alternate national history of celebrating diversity, they will certainly buy how inclusive your technology company strives to be. Mention broadly the benefits of globalism and digitally opening borders but not specific to tax evasion or economics. Speak instead of your belief in unity while avoiding deeper issues like segregation as though this fissure had only recently formed or come to your attention.

Remind your tech constituency that yours is a company built by immigrants, a mere acknowledgement should suffice. Careful not to affirm diversity too much in the event that you’d have to reveal your corporation’s demographics and its lack of inclusion. This would disturb the delicate hegemony and certainly incite division.

Also speak to how governmental instability does not bode well for business hoping economic sense prevails where social justice failed. Mention a number of nonprofits that are involved so as to defer actual responsibility to them and not your corporation or its executives. Lastly, end on promissory note of the work that you and America ought to do to return this country to its goodly principles in the coming years and perhaps you might one day be remembered as the Schindler of these times.

Vikram Babu is a product designer and small business owner who would prefer to write to his own experiences on immigration.

