Put Yourself in the Way of Beauty

A note from my heart to my nephew and goddaughter as they go on to college

Beth Steinberg


Christopher and Emily,

I am so very proud of both of you; graduating from high school and going on to college. You worked so incredibly hard during high school and were truly role model students in every way. I hope you both know how much you’ve accomplished and allow yourselves time to relax, to think and take care of yourselves over the summer. Life is long, and you need to care for your body, soul and mind. You are both high achievers and push yourselves very hard — I was, and maybe I still am that way, so I understand. Giving yourself a break will make you better. You must trust me on this!

I’ve learned many things over the years. Many things I wish I would have understood earlier in my life. For what it is worth, I want to share some of those things with you. You are both very smart and very capable; here are some thoughts as you move to the next chapter of your lives.

So here goes.


The little things in life matter. Try not to forget that. Say thank you to people, write letters and thank-you notes. When you are driving, stop and let people walk across the street. Let cars through in traffic. Wherever you are going, you can’t be in so much of a hurry that you cannot allow someone to walk across the street. Hold doors open. Smile, give money to the homeless when you can — who cares how they spend it? Give big tips if you can afford to.

The world can be hard. Try not to be hard back. Most people are trying their best to get through the day. I did not always understand that, but I understand that now. Being kind to people is very important. Even when they are not kind back, still try to be kind. You are both excellent at this, so this is just to reinforce how important this point is.

Tell people that you love that you love them. You’ve both been hit by a tragedy at a young age, and you know how hard it is to lose someone you love. Make sure the people in your life know how you feel about them. This communication will become increasingly important when you get older, busier, and consumed with life. Sometimes you think you don’t have time, or it’s not important. It is important. It is the most important thing.

Experience life. There is so much to see and so much to do. Go to different countries, talk to interesting people, and spend your money on experiences and not on things. Try not to be afraid to try new things, and take yourself out of your comfort zone. You may not be ready now, but you will be. I will help and support you both to do things you want to do in life. You don’t want to look back at life with regrets. Do all you can do to experience this wonderful world.

Be humble. Be grateful. Be compassionate. There are too many arrogant people out there. You hit the jackpot to be born to a good family that cared about you and could afford to take care of you. Don’t squander that.


You are not more important or better than anyone else in this world. You have a responsibility to use this privilege to go into the world and help others and do some good.


Do something that matters. Living a self-focused life will only leave you empty. I see it around me every day.

Put yourself in the way of beauty. Experience nature. Put your devices down. Get outside as much as you can.

Things will not always go your way. Life is full of disappointment. You will not always get what you want. Your heart will get broken, you will try and fail at things and at times you will feel completely lost. Frustration and disappointment are a part of life. Being resilient will get you through it. Be self-aware.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Asking people for support is not a weakness; it is a strength. Have people around you who can tell you the truth; even when the truth is something you don’t want to hear.

Cherish your friends that you can call on no matter what, during the good times and the bad times. Keep them in your life forever. If people in your life bring you down, gracefully exit them out. It’s OK to do that. There are some people that you will just outgrow.

You will work hard, and you will have to do some things you don’t want to do. That is all part of growing up and becoming a responsible adult. You will need to sacrifice for others, and that’s OK. Relationships are a give and take in all areas of your life.

Don’t be resentful. That will only hurt you. Don’t hold grudges. Try to forgive people. When you are sorry, tell people you are sorry. When you are wrong, admit you are wrong. Being a know-it-all doesn’t get you very far. Being intellectually honest with yourself and those around you does.

Above all, be happy and be grateful. Have fun. You have one life, and you need to make the most out of it. You’ll realize that people are more important than things, and in the end, life ends up working out for the best. Sometimes that is hard to see, but it is true.

I love you both with all my heart.
I am so very proud of you and thankful to have you in my life.
Go on, do great things and most of all
, lead a fulfilling life.

Aunt Beth

Put yourself in the way of beauty.



Beth Steinberg

Company builder & excellent parallel parker. Equally adept in running shoes & Jimmy Choo’s. Founder of Mensch Ventures. Trying to make the world a bit better.