April/May 2019 Update

Hello Endorians,

Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2019


We’ve been working expediently over the past couple of months on new product developments and customer implementations, both reaching new heights. In the last post we updated on our new financial trading offering to third parties seeking to provide advanced AI-powered capabilities to their customers, with our first such implementation reaching completion on its initial limited Beta phase. In this post, we would like to share additional updates and progress from April and May.

Endor Roadmap

Endor Protocol v.1 Released

In April, we released the Endor Protocol v.1 for public availability. In the first phase, the Protocol supports publicly available Ethereum Blockchain and ERC20 token data, allowing end users to ask predictive questions on ETH wallets and ERC20 based projects.

To date, the Endor Protocol has generated over 2500 predictions. We are rolling out the platform with limited data sets and catalysts, as defined in our roadmap. It is crucial for us to test, iterate, and capture all aspects of the platform that require attention in order to build a great product. The usage to date is a great achievement from our perspective, to validate the thesis of a robust self-serve predictions ecosystem which is being built upon the Endor Protocol.

In parallel, we are also conducting price discovery initiatives that will support multiple pricing strategies based on type of data requested to be analyzed and its derived value. Finally, we are continuously discovering new data streams containing transactions of behavioral activities (social, exchanges, proprietary business data, etc.) to add to the platform in the future.

Self-Serve for Enterprise Customers:

With the release of Endor Protocol v.1, we also transitioned all our Enterprise customers to the enhanced Enterprise self service interface. Prior to the ‘self-service’ capability, our professional services team worked closely with enterprise clients to power the platform optimally and generate predictions. Now, following extensive customer dialogue and product development, every employee in an organization will be able to “self-serve” predictions, or generate predictions individually through an easy-to-use interface. Large Enterprise and SMB customers now use the same platform to easily and quickly generate predictions.

On this note, we have on-boarded our newest banking client, that has implemented Endor’s AI predictions platform to enable their internal teams to cut down on the time and cost of customer upsell and enhanced engagement initiatives, by asking predictive questions such as :

  1. Which clients in the current portfolio will make purchases above XXX in the next month?
  2. Out of all qualified active customers in the past month , who will add another service?
  3. Which customer will order an additional credit card in the next 30 days?

Within few weeks, business users within the bank were able to create and submit dozens of predictive questions and reported improved results which are more than 5X BETTER than previous marketing strategies. Following the stellar results, they have expanded the availability of the Endor Platform across additional operating geographies.

Scaling the Business

The self service capability was developed to quickly enable scale within an enterprise and across regions. With its release, we are building commercial channels to distribute and increase adoption, fast. We’ve partnered with one of the largest credit card companies worldwide, as well as top tier SI’s, to offer the Endor AI platform to their customers through distribution partnerships. We’re continuing to expand our channel partnerships globally and will share more details as soon as they’ll become publicly available.

Eyes on Endor:

The Endor team has been travelling the globe to promote the platform to targeted user groups. Here’s a brief summary of where we’ve presented recently. You can always track our events updates on our website:

Tata Consultancy Group (TCS) is one of the largest consultancy groups in the world, Endor is part of the TCS COIN (Co-Innovation Network) initiative that selects promising companies with innovative solutions to present their products to TCS customers globally.

TCS Innovation Forum Brazil — Our CBO, Tomer Srulevich discussed, in Sao Paulo, how AI and Predictive Analytics help drive business decisions and power growth across LATAM.

TCS Innovation Forum UK — Endor Senior Director EMEA, Steve McNickle, presented in London to over 700 TCS EMEA customers on “How Social Physics technology can accelerate and unlock value in Big Data.

Endor Senior Director EMEA, Steve McNickle at TCS Innovation Forum in London


Endor was invited to participate in a new community of “applied utopians” that are creating a new human-centered reality outside of traditional hierarchy and authority, using tools such as blockchain and AI. On April 27, 2019 at the top floor of MIT’s Media Lab, we joined the best of these builders together in order to help us understand these new possible worlds.

Endor CBO discussing Social Physics at MIT

Focus on S. Korea

Korea is a key market we are receiving great interest on business and partnership opportunities. Here is a snapshot of the activities in this region:

Endor and MetLife

Endor AI platform was selected as a finalist for MetLife Korea Insurtech Innovation Challenge: “Collab 5.0”, a prestigious program which selects insurtech companies globally to collaborate with MetLife while solving some of the insurer’s biggest innovation challenges across its Korean business.

In addition, leading Korean industry newspapers covered the Endor Protocol v.1 release in S. Korea, here a couple of examples for our S. Korean community members:



Endor was even featured on Korean economic nightly news:

Endor featured on economic nightly news in S. Korea


High interest from press regarding our launch of the Endor Protocol v.1 . Endor received press coverage in key markets including Korea, Japan, China, and US.

Among over 15 articles published, were industry leading publications VentureBeat and CoinTelegraph which featured articles covering Endor and the new release.

Finally, Endor was featured in leading media publications, a few of them listed below:

Entrepreneur Magazine: Yaniv Altshuler Uses Big Data and AI to Predict Consumer Behavior

ZeroHedge: Data Science Innovation redefining Finance

Business.com: Automation AI-powered retail predictions

Forbes: Transforming big data through blockchain and AI

Forbes: World banks doubling down on AI

Stay tuned for our monthly updates which will be released towards the end of each month going forward.

EDR is listed on the following exchanges:

Upbit , Bitrrex ,Hotbit , BitForex ,Houbi korea , CoinTiger ,Bilaxy,Trade.io , Coinall , KuCoin , Idex , DigiFinex , P2PB2B , OAX , CoinBene , LATOKEN , BitMart , Coinbit , ABCC .



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