How Endor’s A.I. Resolves the Privacy Paradox for Predictive Analytics

Endor’s paradigm shift in Artificial Intelligence completely revolutionizes what businesses can do with Big Data.

Endor Protocol
3 min readSep 3, 2018



The Privacy Paradox: More Privacy, Less Data

It is no secret that in order to make data-driven decisions, businesses often leverage Big Data. That is why business leaders make use of Predictive Analytics to derive market insights based on behavioral consumer data.

However, with increasing attention going to the privacy concerns associated with using Big Data, Predictive Analytics may no longer be considered secure.

Business leaders often give up on consumer data to safeguard privacy. This dilemma is commonly referred to as the Privacy Paradox. (Learn more about the Privacy Paradox, and how it affects business leaders today, here.)

With Endor’s solution, business leaders no longer have to give up on Big Data for the sake of safeguarding consumer privacy — Endor’s A.I. technology enables organizations to finally use all of their consumer data in a secure way.

Endor’s revolutionary Artificial Intelligence enables organizations to use all of their consumer data securely.

For organizations that value fast time to insight without putting consumer data at risk, Endor offers an automatic predictions platform which can analyze encrypted data, keeping consumer data safe throughout the process.

Endor’s Solution Can Be Found in Its Algorithms

After years of research at MIT, Endor’s Social Physics technology applies Artificial Intelligence to sift through petabytes of data in order to find patterns in consumer behavior.

Unlike most A.I. companies, who use a set of standardized and/or custom Machine Learning algorithms to produce insights with moderate accuracy, Endor employs a razor sharp set of unique A.I. algorithms.

By combining specialist techniques such as clustering, splitting, scoring and merging, Endor is capable of refining predictive questions to the granular level to generate accurate insights.

Endor is capable of refining predictive questions to the granular level to generate accurate insights.

As Endor’s algorithms are fully automated, they replace the manual, time intensive and tedious procedures which data scientists perform today.

How Endor Analyzes Big Data That’s Encrypted

While encrypted data in itself equates to digital gibberish, if encrypted data is structured then it becomes a matter of reading into the structure.

With Endor’s Social Physics technology, its A.I. algorithms are designed to find the most dynamic patterns hidden inside the “structures” of encrypted data — not in the data itself.

The A.I. is designed to find the most dynamic patterns hidden inside the “structures” of encrypted data.

Endor’s A.I. algorithms are capable of analyzing the structure in which encrypted data is organized, as opposed to analyzing the semantic content of data (a task impossible to do once data has been encrypted).

This is an entirely new way of analyzing data using Artificial Intelligence which is both highly innovative and prosperous for data privacy and security.

Image: Unsplash

Question: Can I really use all of my organization’s Big Data?

Yes, you can. Endor’s Predictive Analytics engine can compute on encrypted and non-encrypted data equally. Organizations can encrypt any and all consumer data they wish.

Question: Must the Big Data be structured prior to hand-off?

Organizations can send their encrypted data in a structured format using any standardized structuring method. If your organization requires assistance in this, Endor can provide guidelines.

Question: Who has my organization’s encryption keys?

Only you do. Endor does not need organizations’ own encryption keys. The only thing Endor sees from organizations is only their encrypted data.

Question: Where is my organization’s Big Data kept?

Data is stored using AWS S3 with the highest security configurations.

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Endor Protocol
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Automated Predictions on Encrypted Data - Fast, Accurate & Secure