Thought Leadership that Knows No Boundaries

Endor Protocol
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2019

It’s been a month, and it’s hard to believe what we managed to get done in such a short period of time. After releasing the Endor Protocol v.1 we set off on a world tour to expand and share our knowledge. Now, we’d like to share the highlights with you.

Taking the MetLife Korea Innovation Challenge by Storm

The highlight of our tour was undoubtedly winning the MetLife Korea Innovation Challenge, collab 5.0. That means we were selected from 180 competing startups, from over 30 countries, to work with the Seoul-headquartered branch of the NYSE-listed multinational financial services company, MetLife, on solving some of their biggest innovation challenges.

ENDOR CBO, Tomer Srulevich, announced as the winner of the Innovation Challenge, June 13

By winning the challenge, we were awarded a $100,000 USD contract to provide MetLife Korea with advanced AI and Predictive Analytics services in areas such as customer engagement, sales, and operations.

Here’s a video from the event to give you an overview of the competition and a glimpse into the challenge…

The Path of the Revolution

As we enter the second half of 2019, we felt it was time for a ‘one-on-one’ with our very own Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOHK and Cardano, and senior member of the Endor advisory board. The goal of the meeting was to create a plan for future product development and technological innovation.

As a transparent company, always looking to share professional knowledge, we filmed parts of the discussion and will make it available to you, our community, just as soon as it’s out of post production . So, stay tuned, it was a fascinating discussion, we’re sure it will make for an interesting watch.

A break between meetings. Charles Hoskinson, Dr. Yaniv Altshuler - Endor CEO, Stav Grinshpon - Endor CPO, Daniel Gorlovetsky — Endor CTO, June 20

Predicting Defense with AI

Endor CEO, Dr. Yaniv Altshuler, was invited as a leading industry expert on AI innovation to take part in the Singapore Defense Technology Summit. The panel he participated in, alongside senior defence and technology leaders, took center stage as it explored the contributions of technology and AI to the future of the defense industry. Held under the name “Will AI Make Soldiers Smarter?”, the panel facilitated a captivating discussion on the benefits of introducing AI to the modern battlefield.

During the summit, Dr. Altshuler met with senior members of the Singapore Defence Department, including Defence Minister Dr. Ng Eng Hen. It was a great honor to meet the respected delegation, and we look forward to future cooperation.

Dr. Yaniv Altshuler at the Singapore Defense Technology Summit, June 26–28

Back @ MIT

Always good to pop home to Boston, MA for a visit, and this time was no different when we visited our home-away-from-home, MIT. There, we embarked on two very busy days of discussions on Predictive Analytics for banking, with 30 senior executives from one of the largest banks in the US. These intensive strategic discussions made for a very productive event that has already led to the planning of a follow up meeting in the coming weeks. We will, of course, keep you posted.

Tomer Srulevich, Endor CBO , at MIT with senior banking executives, June 5

Circling the Globe and Crossing Industries

On to London, we had now checked off 3 continents in 30 days, across 3 industries, as we participated in the Instech conference. This time we explained how Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are disrupting the insurance market, changing the industry today, and (we expect) will be transforming it tomorrow.

Endor Sales Director, Steve McKnickle at Instech London, June 6

In the Press

As can be expected, when you do so much in such short time, you create a serious buzz. And our buzz is buzzing. Winning the MetLife Korea Innovation Challenge brought a lot of attention from global press, ranging from crypto specific to mainstream business media. Needless to say, business inquiries were quick to follow. It is a bit too soon to discuss new business opportunities, but we did pull together a few press highlights for you to browse…

VentureBeat — Endor Wins Insurtech Innovation Challenge, Lands MetLife Korea Contract

Yahoo Finance — Endor Wins Insurtech Innovation Challenge, Lands MetLife Korea Contract

Blockonomi — Endor Beats 179 Startups from 30 Countries to win MetLife Korea’s Insurtech Innovation Challenge

PublishOx — Blockchain Startup Endor wins MetLife Korea Contract !!

CoinSpeaker — Blockchain Data Science Startup Endor Wins MetLife Korea Contract

Steemit — Blockchain Startup Endor wins MetLife Korea Contract !!

ITIG, international travel and health insurance journal — Endor wins Korean insurtech challenge

Hackernoon — Blockchain companies are using data like never before — Retail is reaping the rewards of Predictive Analytics

Oracle Times -Exploring the Top Big Data Projects on the Blockchain

That’s it for now… but as you can see, there’s never a dull moment at Endor, and we have a lot planned for July. So, stay tuned, much more where this came from, and we’ll share it all with you in the next progress update.

Onwards and upwards,

The Endor Team



Endor Protocol
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