How Endorsify is Changing the Market for User-Generated Content

Alex Fox
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017

Placing a monetary value on your work can be a difficult and uncomfortable task if you don’t have access to the right information. Maximizing your worth without overpricing yourself is a tightrope act. Endorsify wants to make it easier.

In an industry like user-generated content, one that hasn’t had a lot of time to build a solid market precedent, compensation can be especially muddled. Content generators want to make sure they are getting paid for the quality of their work and reach, while brands want to know that their dollars will be allocated efficiently.

Endorsify is working to eliminate these uncertainties by building an algorithm that brings accuracy and consistency to the market.

The goal is to be able to accurately predict the most important metric in the social space, engagement, and price accordingly. The result will be fair-market value for user generated content.

How it Works

Prototyping is underway for a model which will dig into the metrics of Instagram and other social media platforms. It will create a system that reads variables compiled from users and uses them to accurately predict engagement numbers — such as likes or comments on Instagram — for each user on the platform.

While other services out there try to rank the influence of content creators in general, Endorsify is leading the way in producing clear and actionable data to support the true value of content.

After predicting engagement numbers, a constant price per engagement then generates a suggested price that all users can implement across the Endorsify platform. In other words, no more guesswork.

Users Get the Most Out of Their Content

The benefits of this service are sweeping. For users that fall in the higher percentile in terms of engagement numbers, it is data-backed justification for your premium price.

For those influencers who are still building up their base it is a great way to understand where you sit in the market. It allows you to price yourself accordingly and set goals for where you need to be.

The idea is to create a suggested standard, not force it. We give you all the information that you need, you choose how to use it. All users still have the freedom to price at will but will now have the ability to confidently price according to the metrics that are most important to brands.

Brands Get the Most Out of Their Budget

For all the brands out there this model is a straightforward indicator of what you are purchasing. It creates a clear connection between your dollars and the people that will be connected with your brand. It also serves to increase overall confidence that influencers have access to information that will ensure a professional, and equitable transaction.

By implementing fair market value in the user generated content sphere, Endorsify is proudly taking another step as a leader and an innovator.

Content is king. Cash flow is queen. Checkmate.

Sign up on Endorsify today and keep an eye out for this feature to come.

