Blockchain And Cybersecurity

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

The rise of cyber attacks during the last year made cyber-security a very hot topic. With increasing digitalization, growing attention around cybersecurity by large tech companies brought lots of different solutions. One of the most promising among them is blockchain technology. Let’s find out how the blockchain helps to solve these issues.

Distributed ledger and anonymity.

First of all, distributed ledger provides secure transactions and names of the parties involved are totally anonymous, so all data remains private. Blockchain security can be applied to transactional systems, real estate data management, property rights and any other activity you can imagine.

DDoS protection.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is the most simple and sometimes the most devastating type of cyber attack. Hackers send billions of trash requests to a website, increasing traffic until the moment the site can no longer process these requests, and the site crashes.

Blockchain technology helps to decentralize DNS, distributing the contents to a huge number of nodes and making it almost impossible to attack. With the help of blockchain to protect the data, a system can ensure that it’s invulnerable to hackers unless every single node is simultaneously wiped clean.

Decentralized cloud storage.

The Blockchain ability to reform cloud storage is one of the main aspects of technology. Distributed ledger is encrypted, so only authorized parties can access the data. Since the data is shared, the records cannot be faked. Any attack or blackout at a single point won’t have a destructive impact due to the fact that the other nodes will continue to function. This cloud is shared, making it difficult to tamper and encrypted in a way that only the owner has the access to data.

There are much more trends in cybersecurity nowadays. In our article, we’ve mentioned the ones, which are connected with the blockchain technology. By the way, Endpass implements all these features and a lot of others, like two-factor authentification, email confirmation, and much more. We can proudly state that we made a bulletproof ERC-20 wallet.

In our next posts, we will shed more light on other aspects of cybersecurity. Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe!

