Endro— Introduction

Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2020

It has been a long time since our subscribers received an update on our endeavors but we’ll make a few announcements that will be worth the wait!

You might have seen Lisk Discovery, our Lisk ecosystem discovery platform, transform in Hallar.io and some subtle changes in logos on Twitter or Discord. Those changes fit into a larger endeavor that was planned for a long time and can finally be talked about!

Let us start by introducing a small name change: Endro 🎉

Endro will form a larger umbrella for a more professional approach towards our endeavors in the blockchain ecosystem. In the last year, the mission was transforming into how we could scale our product to create growth for networks (Hallar) and how to experiment more (Arcado Network) with Web 3.0 technologies.

What’s happening?

The first major change is that Endro will act as an organization that will try and scale as the managed applications in our portfolio will expand in the future.

A second change is to build a brand strategy around Endro Labs. Our main goal is to become a valuable partner for decentralized networks and provide trust from the start. Building trust is hard and providing clear expectations on what to expect is key for future partnerships.

The last major change is that our expertise will be applied across multiple blockchain networks. Endro should act as a partner for Blockchain and be open for any network that is interested in our services. Our first community that eagerly is supporting is Polkadot.

Why Polkadot?

The open-source technology developed by Parity Technologies and supported by the Web3 Foundation is a strong player in the development of decentralized technologies. With over 30 projects already committed on building with Polkadot and Substrate, the technology has already proven a lot. On-chain governance and Proof of Stake are some of the innovative subjects that are used in Polkadot and deserve entire books on their own.

The future

  1. On of our on-going endeavors is to expand the functionality of Hallar. A natural next step is to include the entire Polkadot ecosystem and help users expand their endeavors.
  2. A new platform in our portfolio will be all about news. A whitepaper is in the works that we’ll release in the upcoming months. There will be no release date due to a high amount of iterations that are happening to include every details explained in the best possible manner.
  3. Endro Labs was recently included as an Apprentice Ambassador for Polkadot. Our mission is to include presentations, workshops and much more in our meetups next to our Lisk meetups. You can also expect video recordings and crowdcasts.
  4. Much more content such as blog posts, tutorials on our applications and a lot of fun stuff where the community is interested in.
  5. Helping your endeavor. Let us know if we can assist your project on Polkadot or Lisk. Endro Labs is all about helping ecosystems! Let us know if you are interested in our services.

Endro| https://endro.io
Our services enhances blockchain networks by providing validator services, proof of concepts, projects and others to create growth.


