Adding PHP 7.0 support in Plesk

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1 min readDec 8, 2015

First thing you need to do is update to Plesk 12.5 (currently 12.5.30). For that you have to go to Server options, “Plesk->Updates and Upgrades” and then go to “Install or Upgrade Product”. You may get some warnings in case you installed third party modules so you should better remove them (it happended to me with mod_security) before doing the upgrade. As you can see I've already updated to 12.5.30 so I can't show you the proper image but the options are just the same.

Once you have Plesk updated the actual magic, in Linux systems, is done with this command (runned as root):

# plesk sbin autoinstaller --select-product-id plesk --select-release-current --install-component php7.0

Full PHP 7.0 install process log:

The nice thing about it is that you can just change the PHP version number to install another one, for example if you have a domain with an app that needs to run in a legacy PHP 5.2 version:

# plesk sbin autoinstaller --select-product-id plesk --select-release-current --install-component php5.2

Now you can select an specific PHP version for different domains by just setting it in the “PHP Settings” option. Before:

Changing the PHP version to 7.0:



