In Times of Crisis — 6 Steps to Sanity

Energetic Solutions®
3 min readJan 9, 2017
Let’s Get Our Hands Dirty and Make a Difference

Some say this is a time when it’s unprecedented and others say we’re in for the most prosperous of times.

One person cannot make an entire country come to its knees unless we give all the power to one person.

A group of well-intentioned individuals can accomplish a great deal of good or to take away what has been created.

We are in a unique time for our lives. What we remember is short and yet what history tells us is we’ve been in a similar predicament before. Sure, we didn’t have twitter, facebook, Instagram or Youtube to carry messages more far and wide like wildfire. But take those same platforms and we have more power to make a shift than any other time.

If we allow business to suck wind because we’re afraid of the consequences of speaking up as intelligent grown ups then we’re responsible.

Should we choose to take hold of ourselves and learn to communicate more eloquently, share more authentically, take responsibility for our actions and reactions more thoroughly we immediately have more impact and influence.

A higher truth is always available. Balancing on the tight rope is easier than ever. In the moment we can act like irresponsible, inconsolable children or we can take a breath and formulate a clear set of what we desire for the future and find a win, win, win.

First, take note of what is going on around you, your business, your energy and what is being said. Awareness is important and just because the turmoil may not affect you directly, in the moment, doesn’t mean that it won’t in the near future. While I know it’s difficult to deal with news, it is more difficult if you are taken by utter surprise about something that you could have done something about.

Second, business owners and leaders must position themselves for the most integrity and opportunity possible. The adage of what goes around comes around or karma is always keeping track and in business, this affects the bottom line. Who can you help in your company, team, community to give them a hand so that no matter what occurs you have a karma cushion?

Third, look at how you have the need to be right. When you are always the one who is right you cannot see opportunities to grow, create, collaborate or even fend off something that could adversely affect your business.

Fourth, identify one theme you can speak about on a regular basis to your team or the community. Get more familiar with what the important points are to address and be a resource on this one.

Fifth, remember this is not the first time the geopolitical scene is experiencing this and you do get a say. Things can change and that’s why we get chances to re-write or re-work circumstances.

Sixth, and most importantly, energy is everything. When you take the wind out of someone’s sails by not allowing them to put you into a state of fear you and your business are the winners. The energy of neutrality conquers all negativity.

There’s more opportunity than at any time to connect and that alone will help us create something like no other time in history. Maybe we even get to move the needle away from collapse or mass confusion because of what actions we take today.

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Energetic Solutions®

Seeker of truth, rule breaker, results driven coach and teacher. Connected⬇️ | Epic Life Toolkit —