Earndrop Complete. A Look at One of Energi’s Highlights of 2019

Energi Cryptocurrency
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2020

This week marks the successful completion of the Energi Earndrop. We’ve finalized the last appeals and have distributed any outstanding payments.

The Earndrop has been a huge project for us — thank you to everyone who took part. It’s involved over 45,000 community members, most of the Energi Core team and an unbelievable amount of development, coordination, and auditing. So, as we come to the end of this chapter in the Energi story, we thought it was worth stepping back and celebrating this milestone.

The Earndrop by the Numbers

With some 3.8 million NRG distributed, at a value of over $6.5 million, the Energi Earndrop was one of the biggest airdrops in the crypto space. Additionally, we paid out a higher amount than the participants expected. In most cases, we gave away 100 NRG, doubling what most participants were expecting to receive.

Looking at those numbers alone, it’s clear the Earndrop is something we should all be incredibly proud of. But the Earndrop was much more than the numbers for us, it was about bringing a global community together around a common vision.

Many in the community are probably unaware of how much work goes on behind-the-scenes to deliver a successful Earndrop campaign. Every account was audited and every appeal was handled by a real person, which equates to thousands of man-hours across the whole Energi team. All to make sure we got it right — so that only true supporters were rewarded with NRG rather than fraudulent actors. We know this process may have felt lengthy and labor-intensive, but it was the right thing to do in the long run.

It’s also worth remembering that other projects in the space have attempted much smaller airdrops, often with limited success. Whether it’s because of fraudulent accounts or auditing overloads, it’s clear that airdrops are often harder to pull off than one might think. We couldn’t have done ours without you, the community — so thank you again to everyone that took part, and for your patience during the auditing and appeals process.

A Launchpad for 2020

During the campaign, the community contributed more than we ever expected. The hugely positive response we received grew the community into the powerhouse it is today, putting the project in an incredible position for the years ahead.

It can’t be understated how big a year 2020 is going to be for us. We are launching Gen 3, our smart contract platform, and developing Energi X, our next-generation exchange. Gen 3 is already open for public testing and it’s our goal that Energi X will launch for testing later this year. It’s our hope that the community will play an important role in providing feedback and shaping the future of the project.

Remember, if you would like to support the Energi project, sign up for important announcements and product developments. 👇

