Energi Bridge is Live!

Energi Cryptocurrency
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2021

We are very excited to announce the launch of Energi Bridge on our mainnet! It is fully operational and ready to bring your ERC-20 tokens across from the Ethereum network to Energi. This is a huge step for our growing DeFi ecosystem and will be a major on-ramp for new users and capital to Energi and Energiswap.

With Both Energiswap and Energi Bridge live, we are now one of only a handful of DeFi platforms with an automated market maker and an Ethereum bridge in place. This puts Energi at the forefront of DeFi, positioning the Energi Blockchain as a premier choice for decentralized exchange users throughout the crypto space!

What Is Energi Bridge?

Energi Bridge is a tool that facilitates the bi-directional transfer of assets between other networks and the Energi Blockchain. This allows users to transfer their existing digital assets from other chains to Energi without using centralized exchanges or paying multiple transaction fees.

Currently, the Energi Bridge connects the Ethereum and Energi blockchains. In the future, we may add other in-demand chains to allow the transfer of a diverse range of assets. Click on the banner below to bridge your assets to Energi now!

How Does It Work?

Energi bridge uses Energi’s unique Ethereum compatibility to securely facilitate the decentralized transfer of assets from the Ethereum Mainnet to the Energi Mainnet. It does this by locking down a specified amount of tokens on the Ethereum chain in a smart contract and minting a corresponding number of tokens on the Energi chain.

Once the assets are bridged to the Energi Mainnet, they can be used in any Energi-based dApps, such as Energiswap while receiving the benefits of low fees and high security. They can also be used to provide liquidity for other dApp projects that want to migrate to the Energi chain in order to benefit from our enhanced security and governance features.

If at any point you want to move your assets back to the Ethereum chain, Energi Bridge can burn the tokens on the Energi chain and unlock the locked assets on Ethereum.

As part of our enhanced security, we require 5000 block confirmations (approximately 3.5 days) before assets moving from the Energi blockchain will be active again on the Ethereum chain. This is to protect our users against theft and fraud, allowing time for users to recognize malicious activity via our wallet alerts and notify Energi Defense to freeze the assets and investigate.

How Do I Use It?

Energi bridge couldn’t be simpler to use. All you need is a MetaMask wallet with some ERC-20 assets that have a tokenized version on the Energi blockchain. You can find a full list of compatible tokens here.

If you are new to using crypto-asset bridges, check out our full step-by-step guide to using Energi Bridge.

For advanced users, here is a quick start guide:

  1. Go to the Energi Bridge app and click “Connect Wallet” to connect your MetaMask wallet to the app.
  2. Select the account that you want to transfer assets from.
  3. Make sure that Ethereum is set as the “From” blockchain in the Energi Bridge app.

4. Select the ERC-20 token that you want to transfer using the dropdown.

5. Set the amount that you want to transfer and confirm it in MetaMask.

6. Check the disclaimer box and confirm the transaction in the Energi Bridge app.

7. Confirm the gas fee in MetaMask.

That’s it! You’ll see the transfer as pending in the app and you should see a notification from MetaMask if you have notifications enabled.

Once the transaction is confirmed on the Ethereum network, the assets will be made available in the same wallet address on the Energi Mainnet. Just switch your MetaMask to Energi Mainnet to verify that your assets have arrived.

Energi Bridge Benefits

With Energi Bridge active, it is now easier than ever to move your assets onto the Energi blockchain and trade them on Energiswap. This means a whole host of benefits for our users, including:

  • Fast, secure transfers of your Ethereum-based assets onto the Energi blockchain.
  • Swap your Ethereum-based assets with significantly lower fees.
  • Manage all your assets with the enhanced security and governance features of Energi.
  • Seamlessly migrate dApp projects from Ethereum to Energi.


As a part of our ongoing quest to expand Energi’s DeFi capabilities, we have launched Energi Bridge, thus creating a highway between the Ethereum and Energi blockchains and allowing for the bi-directional transfer of assets between them without the high fees or wait times that users are currently experiencing on Ethereum.

You’ll benefit from the security, wide asset selection, and low fees of the Energi blockchain without giving up the decentralized nature of keeping your coins in a blockchain and off centralized services!

