“Energi Dollar” (USDE) Stablecoin Launches on Energiswap

Energi Cryptocurrency
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2021

Energi is making another major announcement to further advance the usability and value of the Energi ecosystem to its community of users. Right now on Energiswap, traders can take advantage of the Energi Dollar (USDE) stablecoin.

USDE is the NRG-backed stablecoin, meaning that there’s a reserve of NRG tokens to serve as collateral backing for USDE. The NRG reserve has the equivalent market cap of the USDE market cap (expressed in terms of U.S. dollars). There are currently 1.6 million USDE minted and backed by NRG collateral.

There is significant liquidity for USDE already available on Energiswap in a USDE-NRG liquidity pool. It’s currently the largest liquidity stablecoin pair on Energiswap, boosting the total liquidity on the Energiswap DEX by more than $2 million!

There are several critical roles that stablecoins serve. One is to provide a less volatile investment opportunity to protect profits after an asset sale, or serve as an immediate on-chain staging platform to invest from. Stablecoins provide a method of exchange that reflects the lower volatility peaks-and-valleys you’d see with the U.S. dollar. However, they also share all the benefits of cryptocurrencies such as faster transaction speed, lower fees, global reach, and instant settlements.

Lastly, stablecoins such as USDE provide users with greater liquidity to make even more types of pair sales, resulting in significantly greater utility to the entire Energi ecosystem.

Energi has made several exciting announcements recently as part of its ongoing evolution, including the announcement of its Energi Dragon NFT collection, the launch of the world’s first referral reward program on a decentralized exchange, yield farming, and liquidity pool expansion, and with more in the works!

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