Working Remotely? Here’s Why It’s An Opportunity

Energi Cryptocurrency


With the current ongoing situation around the world, there’s been a lot of interest in remote working and working from home. Since this is something we’ve been doing for nearly two years now, we thought we’d share with you what we’ve learned in that time — and how beneficial remote working can be.

This blog post was written, proofed, and edited in London, Istanbul, Brisbane, and Bali.

Working Without Borders

The most significant benefit, for us, has been the ability to become a truly global organization. Our team has grown to over 60 people with more than 20 nationalities from across the world. This has some massive benefits for our people and the whole Energi project.

For the team, it means we’re not limited by geography. Many companies only hire locally, and those organizations that do incentivize employees to move often find it doesn’t work for everyone. Remote working makes that a thing of the past. Our team can work from anywhere: some are digital nomads, others work part-time, or just from home. It all works.

For the Energi project, it means we have access to the broadest possible talent pool. Geography doesn’t have to limit your potential, and you don’t have to live in a crowded supercity. Anyone who shares our vision and values, no matter where they are or where they’ve come from, can be part of the Energi journey.

This gives Energi a global perspective. Whereas in many organizations, working as part of an international team is unusual, for us it’s the norm. Whatever project we’re working on or problems we face, we bring a whole range of different perspectives, ensuring we always reach the best solution.

Plus, no matter what time it is or what timezone you’re in, there’s always a member of the Energi team online to help.

An Office Built Around You

Working without borders doesn’t just apply to where you work, but also how you work. At Energi, we believe that work should inspire the individual, and a crucial part of this is understanding that we all have our own best ways of working.

For instance, few people perform best in an office; instead, we encourage our team to create their own ‘offices’ — spaces that work for them.

You might prefer co-working spaces. Others perform best in cafes or from the comfort of their own home. Or it might change depending on what you’re working on. Whatever it is, your space should always support, rather than hinder you — and remote working gives you the opportunity to build an ‘office’ around you.

About Time

Some of the other benefits are more functional, but just as important.

Have you ever thought how much of your day is spent commuting in traffic or making your way to meetings? If you travel an hour a day to work, that’s a total of 15 days per year. And that’s before you even consider the stress and hassle of a typical daily commute.

By working remotely, the Energi team can make better use of our time and energy. We’re able to be more flexible with our schedules and ultimately be more productive. This really comes into its own on complex, long-term projects, like when we migrated from Gen 2 to Gen 3.

Work-Life Balance

When you put all of these benefits together — your work environment, the time saved and increased productivity — they all add up to one thing: a better work-life balance. This is something we’re all especially passionate about at Energi.

Stress and burnout are an everyday reality for many of the world’s workers, but we believe that remote working offers powerful ways to add more balance to your life. Whether that’s making time for exercise, family, healthy eating, or mental wellness, they become much easier when you have control over your schedule.

While it may seem like an overused phrase, ‘work-life balance’ comes more naturally when you work remotely — making you better at work and outside of it.

A Final Thought

We know working from home takes some coordination and self-motivation, but at Energi we’ve found the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Like working globally, working how you want, being more productive, and achieving some work-life balance. We hope as many people as possible will take the current situation as an opportunity to experience the benefits of working remotely. You never know, you might enjoy it.

In our upcoming blog, we’ll be taking a closer look at tools and tips for working remotely.

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Until next time!

The Energi Team

