In it for the long haul: The future of EnergiToken

EnergiToken News
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2018

The shifting tides of the market

The cryptocurrency market can create a problematic mentality. In a realm where daily fluctuations of 10% are the norm, and price spikes and drops of 20% or even 30% are not rare, it is difficult to think beyond the short-term daily minutiae of market volatility and to instead imagine the future societal impact of these technologies.

The current drive toward Bitcoin dominance of the cryptocurrency market has caused traders to contemplate their investments in smaller projects, too. With what appears to be an increase in institutional support for cryptocurrency and excitement about possible upcoming regulatory changes, investment is leaning back toward dominant coins and away from smaller altcoins and tokens. The free market has a knack for filtering out failing projects and scam coins, as can be witnessed by the failures of many smaller ill-conceived ICOs in recent times.

It is during tidal-shifts like this that one must consider the long-term projects that can outlast this change in investment and attention. As investors jump on the bandwagon, shifting their focus back to Bitcoin and away from altcoins and smaller token projects, it becomes more important to examine the merits of the projects that have the capacity to persevere.

Energi Mine’s long-term vision

At Energi Mine, we believe in a long-term vision that will see a major shift in the way the world generates, trades, and consumes energy. As it stands now, the average consumer is at the mercy of a few large energy corporations who hold the keys to the industry and its resources. The system is centralized, depending on the operation of a few powerful entities and bureaucracies. In a future decentralized exchange of energy, consumers can rise to a level of independence and choice that is not possible in present conditions.

Imagine a future where you gather your energy needs from a decentralized grid. Perhaps you have an energy deficit in your household and need to purchase a little more energy from this grid. Using EnergiToken (ETK) as a decentralized trading token, you buy electricity at the free market price from a resident a block away who happens to have a surplus of energy from their solar PV panels. The electricity is delivered via the grid from your neighbour’s solar battery to yours.

Not only was this transfer of energy resources performed in a decentralized manner, it was much cheaper than it would be coming from a centralized entity that has considerably higher operational costs, but also may simply be complacent due to their once-monopolistic position in the marketplace. Over time, you use the money you have saved to invest in more or better solar PV panels for yourself. Eventually, you enjoy a monthly energy surplus and sell your excess energy in exchange for ETK. You then use your excess ETK to pay for other energy needs, such as charging your electric vehicle at home or at an Energi Mine partner’s EV charging station that accepts ETK. What’s more, our platform will also act as a rewards hub for energy efficient behaviour — a concept which each day is accelerating in terms of interest and investment.

Admittedly, these concepts are medium to long term , but is is important to note that they are MOST definitely achievable. As you read this, Energi Mine and its growing group of partners and working to bring these concepts to life!

As for now, in the short-term, we are making important moves in the industry, partnering with green energy visionaries to gain adoption and encourage a change in energy-consuming behaviour. But it’s the long term plan that should carry us through times like this and allow us to persevere and continue to grow. In a world where things change dramatically in minutes and hours, it is sometimes difficult to see past the moment. At Energi Mine, we encourage you to think long-term, and imagine a future that offers new solutions to today’s energy problems.

For more information about EnergiToken and its energy-saving reward scheme, please visit, follow on Twitter at @EnergiMine or join the EnergiToken Telegram group.



EnergiToken News

At EnergiMine we’re committed to making the world of energy, more open, fair and transparent.